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Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
ALLOPURINOL | not available | Martindale's 29th |
ANTIEPILEPSIRIN | not available | Sabinsa: A series of well documented proprietary PR booklets, e.g.Sabinsa Corps. 1998. Bronchial Asthma - Its etiology and control with traditional herbal extracts. Sabinsa Corporation. Piscataway, NJ. 49 pp. |
CANNABIDIOL | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
DIAZEPAM | not available | Martindale's 29th |
DIHYDROMETHYSTICIN | 800 mg/man | Duke, 1992 * |
EPHEDRINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
GASTRODIN | not available | Keeler, R.F. and Tu, A.T. eds. 1991. Toxicology of Plant and Fungal Compounds. (Handbook of Natural Toxins Vol. 6) Marcel Dekker, Inc. NY. 665 pp. |
GLUTAMIC-ACID | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
JATAMANSONE | not available | List, P.H. and Horhammer, L., Hager's Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Vols. 2-6, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1969-1979. |
LIDOCAINE | 3 mg/kg/ivn/man | Martindale's 29th |
MAGNESIUM | 450 mg/day | Duke, 1992 * |
MANGANESE | 450 mg/day | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
NIACIN | 3 g/day | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
PHTHALIDE | not available | Williamson, E. M. and Evans, F. J., Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, Revised Ed., Saffron Walden, the C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex UK, 362 pp, 1988, reprint 1989. |
PICROTOXIN | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
PIPEROLIDE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
PYRIDOXINE | 40 mg/day | Duke, 1992 * |
SOLANINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
VITAMIN-B | 3 g/day | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
VITAMIN-B3 | 3 g/day | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Solanum nigrum | Black Nightshade | 1 | 40 |
Solanum quitoensis | Naranjillo | 1 | 180 |
Solanum sessiliflorum | Cocona | 1 | 50 |
Solanum torvum | Susumba; Wild Eggplant | 1 | 356 |
Solanum tuberosum | Potato | 7 | 46, 140.09999847412 |
Sonchus oleraceus | Cerraja; Sow Thistle | 1 | 236 |
Sophora angustifolia | Narrowleaf Sophora | 3 | 3, 786 |
Sophora subprostrata | Shan Dou Gen | 3 | 1, 908 |
Sorbus aucubaria | Rowan Berry | 3 | 1, 283 |
Spinacia oleracea | Spinach | 5 | 52, 494.80000305176 |
Spirulina pratensis | Spirulina | 2 | 2, 710 |
Spirulina spp. | Spirulina | 4 | 2, 731.300000190735 |
Spondias dulcis | Ambarella | 4 | 1, 548.1000000238419 |
Spondias mombin | Yellow Mombin; Yellow Plum | 1 | 234 |
Spondias pinnata | Yellow Mombin; Yellow Plum | 1 | 62 |
Spondias purpurea | Purple Jobo; Purple Plum | 1 | 84 |
Spondias tuberosa | Imbu; Umbu | 3 | 184.56000006198883 |
Stachys officinalis | Betony; Wood Betony; Bishop's-Wort; Purple Betony | 5 | 4, 479.200000047684 |
Stellaria media | Chickweed; Common Chickweed | 4 | 10, 695 |
Stevia rebaudiana | Ca-A-E; Sweet Leaf of Paraguay; Stevia | 4 | 19, 659 |