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Biological Activity Fungicide

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
ALLYL-ISOTHIOCYANATE MIC=1.8-3.5 ug/ml Duke, 1992 *
ALLYL-METHYLTHIOCYANATES MIC 15 ug/ml LAWSON in Koch, H. P. and Lawson, L. D., eds. 1996. Garlic- The
Science and therapeutic application of Allium sativum L. and related species. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. 329 pp.
ALLYLPYROCATECHOL not available Duke, 1992 *
ALOE-EMODIN MIC=25-250 ug/ml Duke, 1992 *
ALPHA-BISABOLOL not available Iwu, M.M. 1993. Handbook of African Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 435 pp.
ALPHA-CHACONINE not available Keeler, R.F. and Tu, A.T. eds. 1991. Toxicology of Plant and Fungal Compounds. (Handbook of Natural Toxins Vol. 6) Marcel Dekker, Inc. NY. 665 pp.
ALPHA-HEDERIN not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
ALPHA-PHELLANDRENE not available Hansel, R., Keller, K., Rimpler, H., and Schneider, G. eds. 1992. Hager's Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Drogen (A-D), 1209 pp., 1993 (E-O), 970 pp., 1994 (P-Z), 1196 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
ALPHA-SOLANINE not available Duke, 1992 *
ALPHA-TERTHIENYL not available Duke, 1992 *
ALSTONINE not available Recio, M. C., Rios, J. L., and Villar, A., A review of some antimicrobial compounds isolated from medicinal plants reported in the literature 1978-1988, Phytotherapy Research, 3(4), 1989, 117-125.
AMENTOFLAVONE not available Duke, 1992 *
AMPELOPSIN not available Abstract (See species file)
AMPHIBINE not available Duke, 1992 *
ANACARDIC-ACID not available Williamson, E. M. and Evans, F. J., Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, Revised Ed., Saffron Walden, the C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex UK, 362 pp, 1988, reprint 1989.
ANDROGLYCINOL ED50=>100 Duke, 1992 *
ANEMONIN not available Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A. and Phillipson, J. D. 1996. Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. 296pp.
ANETHOLE not available Wolf, R.B. Effects Of p-Methoxycinnamaldehyde From Star Anise And Related Cinnamic Acid Derivatives On Velvetleaf Germination. Journal of Natural Products, 49(1): 156-158, 1986.
ANHYDROGLYCINOL not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
ANISALDEHYDE not available Duke, 1992 *
List of Activity Plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Cinnamomum camphora Camphor; Ho Leaf 27 453, 908
Cinnamomum sieboldii Japanese Cinnamon 2 504
Cinnamomum verum Cinnamon; Ceylon Cinnamon 31 9, 458, 083.599998474
Cistus ladaniferus Ambreine; Gum Cistus; Labdanum; Rockrose 12 32, 360
Citrullus colocynthis Colocynth 13 0
Citrullus lanatus Watermelon 11 5, 720.003000000026
Citrus aurantiifolia Lime 18 3, 809
Citrus aurantium Petitgrain; Bitter Orange 28 8, 374
Citrus limetta Lime 1 0
Citrus limon Lemon 33 943, 452.5
Citrus medica Citron 1 0
Citrus mitis Calamansi; Calamondin 6 6.600000232458115
Citrus paradisi Grapefruit 31 2, 982.028000000748
Citrus reticulata Mandarin; Tangerine 24 670, 918.9997085929
Citrus sinensis Orange 32 56, 998.29300015571
Citrus spp Citrus 1 0
Clematis vitalba Traveler's Joy 4 0
Cleonia lusitanica Spanish Heal-All 8 39
Clitoria falcata not available 1 0
Clitoria ternatea not available 1 50