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Biological Activity Antibackache

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
ALLITHIAMIN 1-4 g/day Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp.
THIAMIN 1-4 g/day Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp.
VITAMIN-B-1 1-4 g/day Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp.
List of Activity Plants.
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Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Cichorium endivia Endive; Escarole 1 28
Cichorium intybus Chicory; Witloof; Succory 2 48.150000002235174
Cimicifuga racemosa Black Cohosh; Black Snakeroot 1 116
Cinnamomum aromaticum Cassia; Cassia Bark; Cassia Lignea; Chinese Cassia; Chinese Cinnamon; China Junk Cassia; Saigon Cinnamon; Zimtcassie (Ger.); Canela de la China (Sp.); Canelero chino (Sp.); Chinazimt (Ger.); Chinesischer Zimtbaum (Ger.); Kashia-Keihi (Jap.); Canelle de Cochinchine (Fr.); Cannelier Casse (Fr.); Cannelier de Chine (Fr.) 1 16
Cinnamomum verum Cinnamon; Ceylon Cinnamon 1 2
Citrullus lanatus Watermelon 1 9
Citrus aurantiifolia Lime 1 3
Citrus aurantium Petitgrain; Bitter Orange 1 12
Citrus limon Lemon 1 6
Citrus paradisi Grapefruit 1 6
Citrus reticulata Mandarin; Tangerine 1 16
Citrus sinensis Orange 1 7
Cnicus benedictus Blessed Thistle 1 2.700000047683716
Cnidoscolus chayamansa Chaya 1 15
Cocos nucifera Coconut; Coconut Palm; Copra; Nariyal; Kokospalme (Ger.); Cocotero (Sp.) 1 6
Coffea arabica Coffee 1 2
Coix lacryma-jobi Adlay; Adlay Millet; Job'S-Tears; Yi-Yi-Ren 1 12.800000190734863
Cola acuminata Abata Cola 1 1
Colocasia esculenta Taro 1 22
Corchorus olitorius Jew's Mallow; Mulukiya; Nalta Jute 1 32.40000057220459