Select a Results View:
Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
ACONITINE | 400-500 ppb | Duke, 1992 * |
ATROPINE | not available | Merck 11th Edition |
BERBERASTINE | not available | Mills, Simon and Bone, Kerry. 2000. Phytotherapy. Churchill Livinston, Edinburgh. |
BERBERINE | not available | Mills, Simon and Bone, Kerry. 2000. Phytotherapy. Churchill Livinston, Edinburgh. |
BUFOTENINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
BUPHANINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CATHINONE | not available | Nigg, H.N. and Seigler, D.S., eds. 1992. Phytochemical Resources for Medicine and Agriculture. Plenum Press, New York. 445 pp. |
COCAINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
DIOSCINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
DIOSCORINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
EPHEDRINE | not available | Merck 11th Edition |
EPINEPHRINE | not available | Merck 11th Edition |
GELSEMICINE | not available | Huang, K. C. 1993. The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 388 pp. |
GELSEMINE | not available | Huang, K. C. 1993. The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 388 pp. |
HIMANDRINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
HIMBACINE | 250 mg/kg orl mus | Collins, D.J., Culvenor, C.C.J., Lamberton, J.A., Loder, J.W. and Price, J.R., Plants for Medicines, CSIRO, East Melbourne, Australia, 1990, 303 pp. |
HOMOATROPINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
HYDRASTININE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
HYOSCYAMINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Caulophyllum thalictroides | Blue Cohosh | 1 | 0 |
Chelidonium majus | Celandine | 1 | 0 |
Coptis chinensis | Chinese Goldthread; Huang-Lian; Huang-Lien | 1 | 270, 000 |
Coptis japonica | Huang-Lia; Huang-Lian; Huang-Lien; Japanese Goldthread | 1 | 280, 000 |
Coptis spp | Generic Goldthread | 2 | 90, 000 |
Corydalis spp | Fumewort | 1 | 0 |
Crataegus laevigata | Hawthorn; English Hawthorn; Whitethorn; Woodland Hawthorn | 1 | 0 |
Crataegus rhipidophylla | Hawthorn | 1 | 0 |
Datura candida | Borrachero; Floripondio | 3 | 6, 600 |
Datura innoxia | Thorn Apple | 3 | 18, 340 |
Datura metel | Hindu Datura | 3 | 10, 105 |
Datura stramonium | Jimsonweed | 3 | 4, 540 |
Duboisia myoporoides | Corkwood Tree; Pituri | 3 | 10, 054.01200000057 |
Ephedra gerardiana | Pakistani Ephedra | 1 | 7, 000 |
Ephedra nevadensis | Brigham Tea; Mormon Tea | 1 | 0 |
Ephedra sinica | Ma Huang; Chinese Ephedra | 2 | 90, 400 |
Ephedra spp | Ma-Huang | 1 | 0 |
Erythroxylum amazonicum | not available | 1 | 0 |
Erythroxylum areolatum | not available | 1 | 14 |
Erythroxylum brownianum | not available | 1 | 400 |