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Biological Activity ACE-Inhibitor

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
OLEACEIN IC50=26 uM/ Duke, 1992 *
OLEACEIN IC50=36 uM/ Duke, 1992 *
OLEOSIDE 0.33 mg/ml (weak activity, 70% inhibition) Duke, 1992 *
OLEOSIDE-11-METHYL-ESTER 0.33 mg/ml (weak activity, 16% inhibition) Duke, 1992 *
OLEUROPEIN 0.33 mg/ml (weak activity, 8% inhibition) Duke, 1992 *
PEPSTATIN IC50@ug/ml Duke, 1992 *
PHENACEIN IC50=0.58 uM/ Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-B-1 0.33 mg/ml (58.2% inhibition) Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-B-2-3,3'-DI-O-GALLATE ED50=2.2 uM/ Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-B-3 0.33 mg/ml (62.1% inhibition) Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-B-3-3-O-GALLATE not available Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-B-5-3,3'-DI-O-GALLATE ED50=1.3 uM/ Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-B-6 0.17 mg/ml (36.7% inhibition) Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-C-1-3,3',3''-TRI-O-GALLATE ED50=1.7 uM/ Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDIN-C-2 0.17 mg/ml (43.8% inhibition) Duke, 1992 *
PROCYANIDINS IC30-90=150-333 ug/ml Duke, 1992 *
PYCNOGENOL IC50=35 ug/ml hmn Duke, 1992 *
PYCNOGENOL 32 mg/kg ivn rat Duke, 1992 *
QUERCETIN-3-(2''-O-GALLOYL)-GLUCOSIDE ID50=300 ug/ml rat (24 hr.) Duke, 1992 *
QUERCETIN-3-O-(2''-O-GALLOYL)-GLUCOSIDE IC50=2.7 mM/l Duke, 1992 *
List of Activity Plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Lophatherum gracile Dan Zhu Ye 1 25
Ludwigia epilobioides Fireweed ludwigia 2 0
Lupinus albus White Lupine 1 53
Lycium chinense Wolfberry; Chinese Boxthorn; Chinese Matrimony Vine; Chinese Wolfberry; Gou Qi (Chin.); Lyciet de Chine (Fr.); Chinesischer Bocksdorn (Ger.); Daun Koki (Indones.); Spina Santa Cinese (Ital.); Kuko (Jap.); Kaukichai (Malays.) 3 480.58999997377396
Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato 3 120
Lycopodium clavatum Antler Herb; Clubmoss 1 56
Lycopodium selago Clubmoss 1 0
Lycopus europeus European Bugle 1 0
Lycopus uniflorus One-Flowered Bugle 2 36
Lycopus virginicus Bugle 3 14
Lygodium japonicum Climbing Fern 1 23
Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife 2 0
Macadamia spp Macadamia 1 18
Maclura pomifera Osage-Orange; Hedge Apple 3 11, 234
Magnolia denudata Hsin-I; Xin-Yi 5 50
Magnolia fargesii Hsin-I; Xin-Yi 1 50
Magnolia kobus Hsin-I; Xin-Yi 2 50
Magnolia officinalis Chinese Magnolia; Hou Pu; Magnolia-Bark 1 27
Malus domestica Apple 9 10, 850
Mangifera indica Mango 2 90, 011.39999961853