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Biological Activity Irritant

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
ISOBUTYL-ACETATE not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
ISOBUTYL-ALCOHOL not available Duke, 1992 *
ISOBUTYRIC-ACID not available Duke, 1992 *
ISOPROPYL-ACETATE not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
ISOVALERIC-ACID not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
LACTIC-ACID not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
LIMONENE not available Duke, 1992 *
LINALOOL not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
M-CRESOL not available Martindale's 28th
MALONIC-ACID not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
MENTHOL not available Yamamoto, A., Umemori, S., and Muranishi, S. 1993. Absorption Enhancement of Intrapulmonary Administered Insulin by Various Absorption Enhancers and Protease Inhibitors in Rats. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 46: 14-18, 1994.
METHYL-AMINE not available Duke, 1992 *
METHYL-BENZOATE not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
MILLIAMINE not available Singla*, A.K. Pathak, K. 1989. Phytoconstituents of Euphorbia species. Fitoterapia 61(6): 483-508, 1990.
MUFA not available Merck 11th Edition
MUFAS not available Merck 11th Edition
MYRCENE not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
N-AMYL-ACETATE not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
N-AMYL-ALCOHOL not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
N-BUTYL-N-BUTYRATE not available Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.
List of Activity Plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Hydnocarpus kurzii True Chaulmoogra 1 73, 000
Hydnocarpus wightiana Hindi Chaulmoogra 1 41, 110
Hyoscyamus niger Henbane 2 136, 928
Hypericum perforatum Common St. Johnswort; Hypericum; Klamath Weed; St. John's-wort; Goatweed 12 35, 730.500000715256
Hyptis spicata Spicate Hyptis 1 0
Hyptis suaveolens Wild Hops 14 8, 089
Hyptis verticillata Barrehorno; John Charles 1 1, 000
Hyssopus officinalis Hyssop 17 429, 337.30000000447
Ilex paraguariensis Mate; Paraguay Tea; South American Holly 3 0
Illicium verum Star Anise; Chinese Star Anise; Chinesischer Sternanis (Ger.); Sternanis (Ger.); anis de China (Sp.); anis estrellado (Sp.) 17 103, 842
Inula helenium Elecampane 1 0
Ipomoea batatas Sweet Potato 3 1, 810
Iris versicolor Blue Flag 1 0
Iris x germanica Orris 5 0
Isanthus brachiatus False Pennyroyal 7 930
Isatis tinctoria Dyer's Woad 1 103, 680
Jasminum officinale Jasmine; Poet's Jessamine 5 5, 456.27999997139
Jateorhiza palmata Calumba Root 1 0
Jatropha curcas Physic Nut; Purging Nut 1 399, 360
Jatropha gossypifolia Spanish Physic Nut 1 0