Select a Results View:
Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
BERBERINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
BERGAPTEN | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
BETA-ERYTHROIDINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
BOLDINE-METHOCHLORIDE | not available | Iwu, M.M. 1993. Handbook of African Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 435 pp. |
BRAHMINE | not available | Grenand, P., Moretti, C., and Jacquemin, H. 1987. Pharmacopees Traditionnelles en Guyane. l'ORSTROM, Paris. 569 pp. |
BROMELAIN | not available | Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf). |
BUFOTENIDINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
BULBOCAPNINE | not available | Neuwinger, H. D. 1996. African Ethnobotany - Poisons and Drugs. Chapman & Hall, New York. 941 pp. |
CALCIUM | 1 g/day | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
CALLIGONINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
CALPURNINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
CANADINE | not available | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
CANESCINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CARANINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CARPAINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CARPAINE-HCL | 0.01-0.02 mg/man/day | Iwu, M.M. 1993. Handbook of African Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 435 pp. |
CASIMIDENE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CASIMIROEDINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CEVINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CHAKSINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Carum carvi | Caraway; Carum; Kummel (Ger.); Comino (Sp.); Comino de prado (Sp.) | 15 | 2, 199, 145.5000000075 |
Carya glabra | Pignut Hickory | 6 | 84, 706.60000002384 |
Carya illinoensis | Pecan | 8 | 32, 062.310000011697 |
Carya ovata | Shagbark Hickory | 6 | 77, 048.3100000713 |
Casimiroa edulis | Matasano; White sapote | 7 | 195, 448 |
Cassia tora | Sickle Senna | 5 | 254, 711 |
Castanea dentata | American Chestnut | 6 | 44, 531 |
Castanea mollisima | Chinese Chestnut | 6 | 40, 906 |
Castanea sativa | European Chestnut | 7 | 226, 173 |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean; Moreton Bay Chestnut; Australian Chestnut | 1 | 15, 000 |
Catalpa bignonioides | Indian bean | 1 | 0 |
Catalpa ovata | Hsin-Pa-Pi; Kisasage | 4 | 35, 742 |
Catha edulis | Khat | 3 | 31, 510 |
Catharanthus lanceus | Lanceleaf Periwinkle | 1 | 0 |
Catharanthus roseus | Madagascar Periwinkle; Rosy Periwinkle | 12 | 0 |
Caulophyllum thalictroides | Blue Cohosh | 9 | 124, 492.70000004768 |
Ceiba pentandra | Kapok; Silk-Cotton Tree | 4 | 401, 400 |
Celosia cristata | Cockscomb | 4 | 35, 629 |
Cenchrus biflorus | Two-Flowered Sandspur | 2 | 347, 595 |
Centaurea calcitrapa | Star-Thistle | 4 | 0 |