Select a Results View:
Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
ASCORBIC-ACID | 1 g 2x/day | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
BORON | not available | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
SELENIUM | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
SULFUR | not available | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
SUPEROXIDE-DISMUTASE | not available | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
TOCOPHEROL | not available | Davies, S., and Stewart, A. 1990. Nutritional Medicine. Avon Books, New York. 509pp. |
VITAMIN-E | not available | Davies, S., and Stewart, A. 1990. Nutritional Medicine. Avon Books, New York. 509pp. |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Bacopa monnieri | Brahmi; Water Hyssop | 1 | 1, 260 |
Bactris gasipaes | Peach palm; Pejibaye | 1 | 1, 656 |
Balanites aegyptiacus | Desert Date; Soapberry Tree; dattier du desert (Fr.); dattier sauvage (Fr.); heglik (Fr.); Zachunbaum (Ger.); betu (India); hingotia (India); lalo (India); zachun (India); mirobalano de Egipto (Sp.) | 1 | 4, 290 |
Barosma betulina | Buchu | 2 | 4, 900 |
Basella alba | Vinespinach | 1 | 14, 785 |
Benincasa hispida | Waxgourd | 1 | 6, 750 |
Berberis vulgaris | Barberry | 2 | 3, 806.800000190735 |
Bertholletia excelsa | Brazilnut; Brazilnut-Tree; Creamnut; Paranut | 4 | 2, 346.800000190735 |
Beta vulgaris | Beet; Beetroot; Sugar Beet; Garden Beet | 4 | 26, 576.00800000038 |
Bixa orellana | Achiote; Annatto; Annato; Lipsticktree; Lipstick Pod; Bija; Annoto; Arnato | 1 | 1, 040 |
Blighia sapida | Akee; Seso Vegetal | 1 | 8, 530 |
Boehmeria nivea | Ramie | 2 | 9, 315 |
Borago officinalis | Borage; Beebread; Beeplant; Talewort | 1 | 20, 176 |
Brassica chinensis | Chinese Cabbage; Pak-Choi; Chinese Mustard; Bok-Choy; Celery Mustard; Chinese White Cabbage; Celery Cabbage | 1 | 67, 991 |
Brassica napus var. napobrassica | Rutabaga; Swede; Swedish Turnip | 4 | 22, 563.150000001537 |
Brassica nigra | Black Mustard | 1 | 4, 013 |
Brassica oleracea | Kohlrabi | 1 | 6, 890 |
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis l. | Cauliflower | 4 | 31, 642.038999999873 |
Brassica oleracea var. capitata l. | Cabbage; Red Cabbage; White Cabbage | 4 | 47, 007.75 |
Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera | Brussels-Sprouts; Brussel-Sprout | 3 | 12, 294.072000000626 |