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Biological Activity Antiedemic

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
CARYOPHYLLENE not available Shimizu,*M., et al. 1990. Anti-inflammatory Constituents of Topically Applied Crude Drugs. IV.1) Constituents and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Paraguayan Crude Drug 'Alhucema' (Lavandula latifolia Vill.)2). Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(8): 2283-2284, 1990.
CARYOPHYLLENE-OXIDE not available Shimizu,*M., et al. 1990. Anti-inflammatory Constituents of Topically Applied Crude Drugs. IV.1) Constituents and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Paraguayan Crude Drug 'Alhucema' (Lavandula latifolia Vill.)2). Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(8): 2283-2284, 1990.
CATECHIN not available Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf).
CIS-SPIROETHER not available Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A. and Phillipson, J. D. 1996. Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. 296pp.
CONIFERYL-ALDEHYDE not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
COUMARIN not available Shimizu,*M., et al. 1990. Anti-inflammatory Constituents of Topically Applied Crude Drugs. IV.1) Constituents and Anti-inflammatory Effect of Paraguayan Crude Drug 'Alhucema' (Lavandula latifolia Vill.)2). Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(8): 2283-2284, 1990.
CROTALOBURINE not available Duke, 1992 *
CRYPTOLEPINE not available Iwu, M.M. 1993. Handbook of African Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 435 pp.
CURCUMIN ED50=100.2 mg/kg orl mus (cf 78 for cortisone) Duke, 1992 *
CURCUMIN ED50=48 mg/kg orl rat (cf 45 for cortisone) Duke, 1992 *
CURCUMIN ED50=48 mg/kg orl rat (cf 48 for phenylbutazone) Duke, 1992 *
DAMASCENINE not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
DEHYDROCURDIONE 200 mg/kg Duke, 1992 *
DIGITOXIN not available Duke, 1992 *
DIOSMIN 50-200 mg/kg/day Duke, 1992 *
DIOSMIN 600 mg/kg rat Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A. and Phillipson, J. D. 1996. Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. 296pp.
EPHEDRINE 30 mg/3-4x/day/man Martindale's 29th
EPHEDROXANE not available Leung, A. Y. and Foster, S. 1995. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 649 pp.
ESCIN 0.5 mg/kg ivn Duke, 1992 *
EUGENOL 100 Phytotherapy Research, 4: 95.
List of Activity Plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Astragalus membranaceus Huang-Chi; Huang Qi 5 0
Astrocaryum vulgare Awarra Palm; Tucum Palm; Tucuma Palm; Tucuma 1 3, 132, 400
Atropa bella-donna Belladonna 2 0
Aucuba japonica Japanese Aucuba; Japanese Laurel; Spotted Laurel 1 150
Avena sativa Oats 7 130
Averrhoa bilimbi Bilimbi; Limon chino 1 9, 330
Averrhoa carambola Carambola; Star Fruit 2 9, 870
Avicennia alba not available 1 160
Avicennia marina not available 1 6, 000
Avicennia officinalis not available 1 1, 950
Avicennia tomentosa not available 1 100
Azadirachta indica Neem 4 0
Bacopa monnieri Brahmi; Water Hyssop 3 1, 260
Bactris gasipaes Peach palm; Pejibaye 1 1, 656
Balanites aegyptiacus Desert Date; Soapberry Tree; dattier du desert (Fr.); dattier sauvage (Fr.); heglik (Fr.); Zachunbaum (Ger.); betu (India); hingotia (India); lalo (India); zachun (India); mirobalano de Egipto (Sp.) 3 4, 290
Balanops australiana not available 1 180
Ballota nigra Black Horehound 3 2, 038
Baptisia tinctoria Wild Indigo 2 0
Barosma betulina Buchu 3 5, 900
Basella alba Vinespinach 1 14, 785