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Plant Salvia gilliesii (Lamiaceae)

Common Names
'Cordoba' Sage
How this plant is used

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View the list of ubiquitous chemicals
List of plant chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Activity Count Plant Part Low Parts Per Million High Parts Per Million Standard Deviation Reference
ALLO-AROMADENDRENE 0 Shoot not available 70.0 -0.10 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
ALPHA-COPAENE 0 Shoot not available 41.0 0.12 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
ALPHA-CUBEBENE 0 Shoot not available 5.0 -0.46 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
ALPHA-PINENE 28 Shoot not available 55.0 -0.14 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
ALPHA-TERPINEOL 23 Shoot not available 7.5 -0.28 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
ALPHA-THUJENE 0 Shoot not available 2.5 -0.51 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
ALPHA-THUJONE 6 Shoot not available 28.0 -0.27 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
AROMADENDRENE 3 Shoot not available 35.0 -0.17 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
BETA-BOURBONENE 0 Shoot not available 44.0 -0.05 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
BETA-CARYOPHYLLENE 0 Shoot not available 720.0 1.05 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
BETA-ELEMENE 5 Shoot not available 5.5 -0.32 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
BETA-PINENE 13 Shoot not available 4.5 -0.12 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
BICYCLOGERMACENE 0 Shoot not available 1420.0 not available Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
CAMPHENE 9 Shoot not available 3.5 -0.13 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
CAMPHOR 41 Shoot not available 60.0 -0.16 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
CARVONE 19 Shoot not available 34.0 -0.25 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
CARYOPHYLLENE-OXIDE 8 Shoot not available 205.0 0.05 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
CIS-CALAMENENE 0 Shoot not available 0.1 not available Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
CIS-CARVEOL 0 Shoot not available 20.0 -0.38 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
CIS-VERBENOL 0 Shoot not available 2.5 -0.45 Velasco-Negueruela, A. et al. 1993. The Essential Oil of Salvia gilliesii Benth. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 319-320.
View the list of ubiquitous chemicals
List of plant activities.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Activity Chemical Count Reference
Abortifacient 1 Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A. and Phillipson, J. D. 1996. Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. 296pp.
Acaricide 1 Duke, 1992 *
ACE-Inhibitor 2 Duke, 1992 *
AChE-Inhibitor 1 Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8.
Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor 3 Duke, 1992 *
Allelochemic 3 Duke, 1992 *
Allelopathic 4 Duke, 1992 *
Allergenic 5 Duke, 1992 *
Analgesic 3 Duke, 1992 *
Anesthetic 1 Duke, 1992 *
Antiacetylcholinesterase 4 Duke, 1992 *
Antiacne 5 Nigg, H.N. and Seigler, D.S., eds. 1992. Phytochemical Resources for Medicine and Agriculture. Plenum Press, New York. 445 pp.
Antiadenomic 1 Duke, 1992 *
Antiallergic 1 Duke, 1992 *
Antialzheimeran? 1 Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8.
Antiasthmatic 2 Chin. J. Tuber. Respir. Dis., 4:203, 1982.
Antibacillary 1 Duke, 1992 *
Antibacterial 8 Revista Itiliana Eppos, 12: 5, 1994.
Anticancer 2 Duke, 1992 *
Anticancer (Cervix) 1 Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of the Tropics. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M., ed. Pudoc, Wageningen. 1987.