Common Names
Pinyon Pine
Select a Results View:
Chemical Name | Activity Count | Plant Part | Low Parts Per Million | High Parts Per Million | Standard Deviation | Reference |
8,9-ISOPIMARIC-ACID | 0 | Plant | not available | not available | not available | J.S. Glasby Dict.Pls Containing 2ndary Metabolite. 1991. |
ALANINE | 3 | Seed | 6050.0 | 6430.0 | -0.79 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
ARGININE | 14 | Seed | 22510.0 | 23920.0 | -0.03 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
ASCORBIC-ACID | 112 | Seed | 20.0 | 21.0 | -0.33 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
ASH | 0 | Seed | 22600.0 | 27000.0 | -0.63 | Duke, 1992 * |
ASPARTIC-ACID | 3 | Seed | 10540.0 | 11200.0 | -1.01 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
CALCIUM | 28 | Seed | 59.0 | 117.0 | -0.74 | Duke, 1992 * |
CARBOHYDRATES | 0 | Seed | 131700.0 | 205100.0 | -1.27 | Duke, 1992 * |
COPPER | 12 | Seed | 10.0 | 12.0 | -0.26 | Duke, 1992 * |
CYSTINE | 2 | Seed | 2100.0 | 2230.0 | -0.64 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
FAT | 0 | Seed | 609000.0 | 648035.0 | 2.02 | Duke, 1992 * |
FIBER | 15 | Seed | 11000.0 | 53100.0 | -0.64 | Duke, 1992 * |
GADOLEIC-ACID | 0 | Seed | 11640.0 | 12370.0 | 1.13 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
GLUTAMIC-ACID | 8 | Seed | 19690.0 | 20925.0 | -0.88 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
GLYCINE | 12 | Seed | 5890.0 | 6260.0 | -0.68 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
HEMICELLULOSE | 0 | Seed | not available | 56000.0 | 1.00 | Laferriere, J.E., 1988, Nutricomp Program, Nutricomp Database; reviewed in J. Ethnobiology 9(1):27-29. |
HISTIDINE | 7 | Seed | 2770.0 | 2945.0 | -0.85 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
IRON | 6 | Seed | 28.0 | 37.0 | -0.53 | Duke, 1992 * |
ISOLEUCINE | 3 | Seed | 4500.0 | 4780.0 | -0.73 | USDA's Ag Handbook 8 and sequelae) |
KILOCALORIES | 0 | Seed | 5680.0 | 7140.0 | 1.79 | Duke, 1992 * |
Activity | Chemical Count | Reference |
Roborant | 1 | Merck 11th Edition |
Schizophrenigenic | 1 | Davies, S., and Stewart, A. 1990. Nutritional Medicine. Avon Books, New York. 509pp. |
Sedative | 2 | Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf). |
Serotoninergic | 2 | Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf). |
Soap | 2 | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
Spermigenic | 2 | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
Suppository | 1 | Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp. |
Testosteronigenic | 1 | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
Tranquilizer | 2 | Duke, 1992 * |
Tremorigenic | 1 | Martindale's 28th |
Trichomonicide | 1 | Martindale's 29th |
Tumor-Promoter | 1 | J. Agri. & Food Chemistry, 36: 1079. |
Uricosuric | 3 | Davies, S., and Stewart, A. 1990. Nutritional Medicine. Avon Books, New York. 509pp. |
Urinary-Acidulant | 1 | Martindale's 29th |
Urine-Acidifier | 1 | Martindale's 28th |
Urine-Deodorant | 1 | Martindale's 29th |
Uterorelaxant | 1 | Werbach, M. 1993. Healing with Food. Harper Collins, New York, 443 pp. |
Vasodilator | 7 | Duke, 1992 * |
Vulnerary | 2 | Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf). |