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Ethnobotanical Activity Arthritis


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Dioscorea nipponica not available
Dioscorea sp Name Amarillo; Yam; Huang Yao Tzu; Shu Yu
Dioscorea tokoro Oni-Dokoro
Dracaena sp not available
Drynaria fortunei not available
Dryobalanops aromatica Pokok kapur burus (Baru campho; Ni Ping P'Ien; Dryobalanops; Bing Pian; Ch'Ing Ping P'Ien; Ping P'Ien; Chin Chiao Nao; Mei Hua P'Ien; Kapurun; Su Nao; P'O Lu Hsiang; Ts'Ang Lung Nao; Mi Nao; Camphora; Kapur
Ephedra equisetina Kodati-Mao
Ephedra intermedia not available
Ephedra sinica Sima-Mao; Ma Huang
Equisetum debile Roempoet betoeng
Erianthus officinarum Seker Kamisi; Kan Che; Sha T'Ang; Sugarcane; Molasses; Tebu gagak; Canne A Sucre; Qamish Shaker; Qasab As Sukker; Pai Sha T'Ang; Hung T'Ang; Cana De Azucar; Shih Mi; Tebu lanjong; Ikshu
Eryngium aquaticum not available
Eryngium foetidum Coulante; Chardon Etoile Puant; Cilantro; Coulantre; Cilantro Sabanero; Culantro; Ketumbar jawa; Culantrico; Panicaut Fetide
Erythrina indica Immortel; Galala poetih; Dadap ajam; Dadap sabrong; Oeken
Eucalyptus globulus Okaliptus; Eucalipto; Eucalyptus; Eucalypt
Eucommia ulmoides Tu Chung; Mien Ya; Totyu; Mu Mien
Evodia lepta not available
Ficus obliqua not available
Gastrodia elata Ch'Ih Chien; T'Ien Ma; Huan T'Ung Tzu; Onino-Yagara
Gaultheria cumingiana not available