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Ethnobotanical Activity Arthritis


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Gaura parviflora not available
Gentiana macrophylla not available
Gentiana rigescens not available
Gentiana scabra Rindo; Lung Tan; Ling Yu
Gentiana triflora Ezo-Rindo
Glechoma hederacea Yer Sarmasigi; Kaki-Doosi; Kakidosi; Groundivy; Hiedra Terrestre
Glycyrrhiza lepidota not available
Grindelia squarrosa Nebari-Oguruma; Grindelia
Gymnosperma glutinosa not available
Gynandropsis gynandra Mamang; Maman hantu; Bhoebhoewan; Maman; Mahmah; Bobowan
Heracleum lanatum Parsnip,Cow
Hernandia ovigera not available
Homalanthus populifolius Ludai paya; Tutup abang; Jarak pati
Hymenaea courbaril Courbaril; Pois Confiture; Algarroba; Gomme Animee
Ilex cornuta Mao Erh T'Zu; Lao Shu Tz'U; Chio Tz'U Ch'A; Lao Hu Tz'U; Kou Ku
Jasminum lanceolarium not available
Juniperus monosperma not available
Juniperus scopulorum not available
Justicia procumbens Chio Chuang; Ch'Ih Yen Lao Mu Ts'Ao
Kadsura peltigera not available