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Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
MUFA | not available | Seki, T., Toeda, C., Kawaguchi, T., Juni, K., Sugibayashi, K., and Morimoto, Y. 1990. Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Zidovudine in Rats and Human Skin. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(11): 3086-3089, 1990. |
MUFAS | not available | Seki, T., Toeda, C., Kawaguchi, T., Juni, K., Sugibayashi, K., and Morimoto, Y. 1990. Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Zidovudine in Rats and Human Skin. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(11): 3086-3089, 1990. |
OLEIC-ACID | not available | Seki, T., Toeda, C., Kawaguchi, T., Juni, K., Sugibayashi, K., and Morimoto, Y. 1990. Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Zidovudine in Rats and Human Skin. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 38(11): 3086-3089, 1990. |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Citrus paradisi | Grapefruit | 1 | 1, 320 |
Citrus reticulata | Mandarin; Tangerine | 1 | 4, 836 |
Citrus sinensis | Orange | 1 | 1, 510 |
Cnicus benedictus | Blessed Thistle | 1 | 186, 480 |
Cocos nucifera | Coconut; Coconut Palm; Copra; Nariyal; Kokospalme (Ger.); Cocotero (Sp.) | 2 | 515, 028 |
Coffea arabica | Coffee | 1 | 12, 800 |
Colocasia esculenta | Taro | 2 | 9, 369 |
Corchorus olitorius | Jew's Mallow; Mulukiya; Nalta Jute | 2 | 47, 985 |
Coriandrum sativum | Coriander; Chinese Parsley; Cilantro | 1 | 785, 457 |
Cornus mas | Cornelian Cherry; Sorbet | 1 | 320, 000 |
Corylus avellana | English Filbert; European Filbert; European Hazel; Hazel; Cobnut | 1 | 2, 863, 250 |
Crescentia alata | Jicaro | 1 | 0 |
Crocus sativus | Saffron | 1 | 0 |
Croton tiglium | Purging Croton | 1 | 185, 000 |
Cryptostegia grandifolia | Rubber Vine | 1 | 41, 525 |
Cucumis melo | Cantaloupe; Melon; Muskmelon; Netted Melon; Persian Melon; Nutmeg Melon | 1 | 2, 376, 000 |
Cucumis sativus | Cucumber | 2 | 422, 265 |
Cucurbita foetidissima | Buffalo Gourd | 1 | 169, 500 |
Cucurbita maxima | Pumpkin | 1 | 128, 065 |
Cucurbita pepo | Pumpkin | 2 | 392, 692 |