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Ethnobotanical Activity Depurative


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Tribulus lanuginosus Cobancokerten
Trichodesma indicum not available
Trichodesma sedgwickianum not available
Trichosanthes cucumeroides Karasu-Uri; Japanese Snake Gourd
Trifolium pratense Kirmizi Yonca; Red Clover; Nafal; Clover,Red; Trebol; Murasaki-Tume-Kusa(Aka-Tume-Ku; Trebol Rojo; Bersim Ahmar
Trifolium repens Clover,White; White Clover; Beyaz Yonca; Nafal
Tropaeolum majus Nasturtium; Hint Teresi; Capucine; Abukhanjar; Capuchina; Latin Chichegi
Ulmus campestris English Elm; Gharghar; Warsaw Tea; Orwe; Kara Aghaj
Ulmus sp Karaagac
Uncaria tonkinensis Day Cau Muc
Urena lobata Petit Cousin; Pulutan; Cadillo De Perro; Legetan; Cousin; Pepulut; Cadillo; Pulut; Pulut-pulut; Pulut lembu; Kelutut; Escoba
Urena sinuata not available
Urtica dioica Isirgan; Bigstring Nettle; Stinging Nettle; Gerrais; Kazink; Nabat Al Nar; Ortiga Mayor; Nettle,Common
Vaccinium vitis-idaea Kirmizi Cayumuzu; Koke-Momo; Preiselbeere; Kokemomo
Valerianella olitoria Kuzu Gevregi
Vateria indica not available
Verbena officinalis Holywort; Minecicegi; Ma Pien Ts'Ao; Bunj; Verbena; Ayauhxochitl; Verbena Oficinal; Kuma-Tuzura; Rejil Al Hamam; Vervain; Gogerchin Otu
Verbesina helianthoides not available
Veronica beccabunga Beccabunga Brooklime; Suyavsani; Becabunga; Kurrat Al A'In; Brooklime
Veronica officinalis Yavsan; Drug Speedwell; Fluellin; Sauvadje Te; Veronica