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Ethnobotanical Activity Depurative


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Peperomia pellucida Rangu-rangu; Ketumpangan ayer; Sladanan; Renren; Suruhan
Periploca indica Hint Saparnasi
Petasites officinalis Kelotu
Petiveria alliacea Gully Root; Ave; Aveterinaryte; Apazote De Zorro; Mal Pouri; Guineahen Weed; Anamu; Feuilles Ave; Zorrillo; Huevo De Gato; Herbe Aux Poules; Hierba De Las Gallinitas; Payche; Verveine Puante; Verocine Puante; Petivere A Odeur Ail; Chasser Vermine
Petroselinum crispum Maydanoz; Persil Vert; Parsley; Persil; Perejil
Peucedanum fraxinifolium not available
Phaseolus vulgaris Haricots Verts; Fasulye; Pois Rouge; Judia; Bean; Great Bean
Picramnia antidesma Honduras Tarcini; Aguedita
Picramnia pistaciaefolia not available
Piper excelsum not available
Piper marginatum not available
Plantago lanceolata Adhan As Sakhlah; Ribwort; Dar Yaprakli Sinirliot; Zibad; Llanten Menor; Gechi Qulaghi; Udhainat As Sakhalah
Plantago major Plantain; Llanten; Oba-Ko; Tarkuz; Ch'E Ch'Ien; Sangka buwah; Wegerlich; Llanten Mayor; Daum sejumbok; Buyuk Sinirliot; Gechi Qulaghi; Sangkuwah; Sangkubah; Lisan Al Hamal; Ekur anjing (Dog tail); Sembung otot; Otot ototan; Sei Ohr Re; Suri pandak; Bazir Dam Bil; Arnoglossa; Meloh kiloh
Polygala amara Aci Sutotu
Polygonum amphibium Coban Deynegi; Serpentine; Poligono Anfibio
Polygonum pulchrum Johong beraleh (Spell remover); Bendet
Polygonum tomentosum not available
Polypodium lanceolatum Tlalquequetzal
Pomaderris elliptica Kumarahou
Populus angustifolia not available