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Chemical MENTHOL

Chemical ID
List of known dosages
Dosage Reference
LD50=700-3,180 (orl rat) Yamamoto, A., Umemori, S., and Muranishi, S. 1993. Absorption Enhancement of Intrapulmonary Administered Insulin by Various Absorption Enhancers and Protease Inhibitors in Rats. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 46: 14-18, 1994., Merck 11th Edition
LDlo=2,000->9,000 mg/man/? Martindale's 28th
ADI=200 ug/kg
LD50=3,300 mg/kg (orl rat) Mills, Simon and Bone, Kerry. 2000. Phytotherapy. Churchill
Livinston, Edinburgh., Zebovitz, T. C. Ed. 1989. Part VII. Flavor and Fragrance Substances, in Keith L. H. and Walters, D.B., eds. Compendium of Safety Data Sheets for Research and Industrial Chemicals. VCH Publishers, New York. 3560-4253.

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List of chemical activities.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Activity Dosage Reference
Allergenic not available Martindale's 29th
Analgesic not available Martindale's 28th
Anesthetic 2,000 ppm Yamamoto, A., Umemori, S., and Muranishi, S. 1993. Absorption Enhancement of Intrapulmonary Administered Insulin by Various Absorption Enhancers and Protease Inhibitors in Rats. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 46: 14-18, 1994.
Antiacetylcholinesterase IC50=2.0 mM Duke, 1992 *
Antiaggregant IC50=750 Duke, 1992 *
Antiallergic not available J. Food Hyg. Soc. Jap. 33(6): 569.
Antiasthmatic not available Mills, Simon and Bone, Kerry. 2000. Phytotherapy. Churchill
Livinston, Edinburgh.
Antibacillus MIC=1.25 mg/ml Duke, 1992 *
Antibacterial MIC=0.625-2.5 Duke, 1992 *
Antibronchitic not available Martindale's 28th
Antidandruff not available A.L.L. Hunting. Encyclopedia of Shampoo Ingredients. Micelle Press, Cranford NJ. 467 pp.
Antiescherichic MIC=1.25 mg/ml Duke, 1992 *
Antihalitosic not available American Health, 12(4): 17, 1993.
Antihistaminic not available J. Food Hyg. Soc. Jap. 33(6): 569.
Antiinflammatory not available Martindale's 28th
Antilisteria MIC=0.625 mg/ml Duke, 1992 *
Antineuralgic not available Duke, 1992 *
Antiodontalgic not available Martindale's 28th
Antipruritic not available Yamamoto, A., Umemori, S., and Muranishi, S. 1993. Absorption Enhancement of Intrapulmonary Administered Insulin by Various Absorption Enhancers and Protease Inhibitors in Rats. J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 46: 14-18, 1994.
Antipyretic not available Duke, 1992 *
List of chemical plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Plant Name Plant Part Low Parts Per Million High Parts Per Million Standard Deviation Reference
Pycnanthemum pilosum Flower 142.0 700.0 not available Lawrence, B.M., Essential Oils 1976-1977, Essential Oils 1978, Essential Oils 1979-1980.
Pycnanthemum pilosum Leaf 142.0 700.0 -0.5 Lawrence, B.M., Essential Oils 1976-1977, Essential Oils 1978, Essential Oils 1979-1980.
Pycnanthemum setosum Shoot not available not available not available Lawrence, B.M., Essential Oils 1976-1977, Essential Oils 1978, Essential Oils 1979-1980.
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Shoot 62.0 620.0 0.3 Lawrence, B.M., Essential Oils 1976-1977, Essential Oils 1978, Essential Oils 1979-1980.
Pycnanthemum virginianum Shoot 18.0 3016.0 3.9 Lawrence, B.M., Essential Oils 1976-1977, Essential Oils 1978, Essential Oils 1979-1980.
Rheum palmatum Rhizome not available 0.5 -1.0 Duke, 1992 *
Rhododendron dauricum Plant not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
Salvia officinalis Leaf not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
Salvia officinalis Plant not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
Sambucus nigra Flower Essent. Oil not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
Satureja grandiflora Shoot not available 420.0 0.0 Carnat, A., Chossegros, A., and Lamaison, J. 1991. The Essential Oil of Satureja grandiflora (L.) Scheele from France. J. Ess. Oil Res., 3: 361-362
Satureja odora Shoot not available 0.0 -0.6 Zygadlo, J.A., Merino. E.F., Maestri, D.M., Guzman, C.A. and Espinar, L.A. 1993. The Essential Oils of Satureja odora and Satureja parvifolia from Argentina. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 549-51.
Satureja parvifolia Shoot not available 1010.0 0.9 Zygadlo, J.A., Merino. E.F., Maestri, D.M., Guzman, C.A. and Espinar, L.A. 1993. The Essential Oils of Satureja odora and Satureja parvifolia from Argentina. J. Ess. Oil Res. 5: 549-51.
Sideritis scardica Shoot not available 370.0 -0.1 Menkovic, N., et al. 1991. The Essential Oil of Sideritis scardica. Pl. Med. 57. Suppl. 2. pp. A137-A132.
Zea mays Leaf not available not available not available Duke, J. A. Writeups or information summaries on approximately 2,000 economic plants, USDA, ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705.
Zea mays Silk Stigma Style not available not available not available Duke, J. A. Writeups or information summaries on approximately 2,000 economic plants, USDA, ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705.