Select a Results View:
Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
(+)-CARVONE | not available | L. Gracza (1985) as cited by Buchbauer re antiacetylcholinesterase. |
BUFOTENINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
CARVACROL | not available | L. Gracza (1985) as cited by Buchbauer re antiacetylcholinesterase. |
D-CARVONE | not available | Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8. |
FENCHONE | not available | L. Gracza (1985) as cited by Buchbauer re antiacetylcholinesterase. |
IBOGAINE | not available | CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs and/or CRC Handbook of Proximate Analyses |
LIMONENE | not available | Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8. |
LIMONENE-OXIDE | not available | Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8. |
PALMATINE | not available | Williamson, E. M. and Evans, F. J., Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, Revised Ed., Saffron Walden, the C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex UK, 362 pp, 1988, reprint 1989. |
PHYSOSTIGMINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
PULEGONE | not available | Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8. |
PULEGONE-1,2-EPOXIDE | not available | Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8. |
SELAGINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
SEROTONIN | not available | Martindale's 29th |
TETRAHYDROAMINOACRIDINE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
THYMOL | not available | L. Gracza (1985) as cited by Buchbauer re antiacetylcholinesterase. |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Elettaria cardamomum | Cardamom | 1 | 119, 081 |
Elsholtzia blanda | Bantaluki; Bantulsi | 1 | 110 |
Elsholtzia eriostachya | 'Dwarf' Bush Mint | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Elsholtzia nipponica | Hsiang Ju | 1 | 0 |
Elsholtzia pilosa | Hairy Mint Shrub | 1 | 85 |
Elsholtzia polystachya | Bush Mint | 2 | 500, 013.19999980927 |
Elytrigia repens | Couchgrass; Doggrass; Quackgrass; Wheatgrass; Twitchgrass | 2 | 735 |
Ephedra sinica | Ma Huang; Chinese Ephedra | 2 | 60 |
Eruca sativa | Achnef (Berber; BOU); Garden Rocket (Eng.; USN); Rocket Salad (Eng.; USN); Rugula (Eng.; USN); Salad Rocket (Eng.; USN); Roquette (Eng.; Fr.; BOU); Olrauke (Ger.; USN); Ruke (Ger.; USN); Senfrauke (Ger.; USN); Jamba (India); Taramira (India; Nwp.); Rucola (It.; Malta; Sp.); Rabano silvestre (It.; Port.;); Oruga comun (Sp.; USN); Roqueta (Sp.; USN); Ackerrauke (Ger.; MAD); Ai'afein (Arab.; BOU); Ai'sha (Arab.; BOU); Aruca (Malta; KAB); Arugula (Eng.; FAC; USN); Assu (Punjab; SKJ); Baglet (Arab.; BOU); Bhutaghna (Sansk.; SKJ); Bimbata (Sansk.; KAB); Bou kahli (Arab.; BOU); Chara (Kumaon; DEP); Daradharsha (Sansk.; KAB); Djerdjir (Arab.; BOU); Dua (Kumaon; DEP); Duan (Nwp; KAB); Eihukan (Iran; NAD); Eruca (Malta; KAB); Euzomon (Greece; EB54:155); Gargir (Arab.; Hebrew; BOU); Gery (Arab.; BOU); Grahagna (Sansk.; KAB); Horf (Arab.; BOU); Izgin (Turkey; EB54:155); Jambeh (Iran; DEP; KAB); Jambeho (Sind.; KAB); Jambho (Sind.; DEP); Jamnia (Punjab; DEP); Kadamba (Sansk.; KAB); Kadambaka (Sansk.; KAB); Kerkas (Arab.; BOU); Kibana suzushiro (Jap.; TAN); Lalu (Nwp.; KAB); Lamba (India; USN); Mandao (Afg.; DEP; KAB); Mulai (Loralai; KAB); Oroth (Bible; EB52:394); Piao erh ts'ai (Chi.; TAN); Rajakshavaka (Sansk.; KAB); Rajika (Sansk.; KAB); Rakshitaphala (Sansk.; KAB); Rawk (Arab.; BOU); Rocket (Eng.; BOU); Roquette cultivee (Fr.; KAB); Roquette des jardins (Fr.;KAB); Roquette vraie (Fr.; BOU); Rouka (Arab.; BOU); Ruca (Catalan; KAB); Rucheta (Malta; KAB); Sahwan (Nwp.; KAB); Sarishapa (Sansk.; KAB); Sarshapa (Sansk.; KAB); Sfed sarson (Hindi; MPI); Shiltam (Arab.; BOU); Shwetsursha (Bengal; SKJ); Siddartha (Sansk.; DEP; SKJ); Sidhaprayojana (Sansk.; KAB); Sidharta (Sansk.; KAB); Suffed shorshi (Bengal; DEP); Tanakfail (Berber; BOU); Tantubha (Sansk.; KAB); Tantuka (Sansk.; KAB); Tara (Nwp.; Punjab; KAB; SKJ); Thorfel (Berber; BOU); Tira (Nwp.; DEP; KAB); Tuverika (Sansk.; KAB); Ugragandha (Sansk.; KAB) | 1 | 0 |
Eucalyptus albens | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Eucalyptus angulosa | not available | 1 | 50 |
Eucalyptus astringens | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Eucalyptus behriana | not available | 1 | 2.700000047683716 |
Eucalyptus blakelyi | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Eucalyptus bosistoana | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Eucalyptus botryoides | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Eucalyptus brassiana | Brasses' Eucalyptus | 2 | 157 |
Eucalyptus bridgesiana | Bridges' Eucalyptus | 3 | 641 |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Eucalyptus ceratocorys | not available | 1 | 155 |