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Plant Allium cepa (Liliaceae)

Common Names
Onion; Shallot
How this plant is used

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List of plant chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Activity Count Plant Part Low Parts Per Million High Parts Per Million Standard Deviation Reference
QUINIC-ACID 1 Bulb not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
RAFFINOSE 1 Bulb not available not available not available Osman, S. A. 1980. Chemical and Biological Studies of Onion and Garlic in an Attempt to Isolate a Hypoclycaemic Extract. Abstr. 4th Asian Symp. Med. Plants Spices Bangkok, Thailand, September 15-19: 117.
RAFFINOSE 1 Leaf not available not available not available Osman, S. A. 1980. Chemical and Biological Studies of Onion and Garlic in an Attempt to Isolate a Hypoclycaemic Extract. Abstr. 4th Asian Symp. Med. Plants Spices Bangkok, Thailand, September 15-19: 117.
RHAMNOSE 0 Bulb not available not available not available Sinha, A. 1959. Chemical Examination of Allium cepa. I. Glycosidic and Sugar Fractions. Indian J. Appl. Chem., 22: 89-91.
RIBOFLAVIN 15 Bulb 0.4 15.0 1.00 Duke, 1992 *
RIBOSE 0 Bulb not available not available not available Sinha, A. 1959. Chemical Examination of Allium cepa. I. Glycosidic and Sugar Fractions. Indian J. Appl. Chem., 22: 89-91.
RUBIDIUM 0 Bulb 0.1 6.6 not available ACTA AGRIC SCAND SUPPL 22: 1980
RUTIN 87 Bulb not available 14000.0 not available Duke, 1992 *
S-(2-CARBOXY-PROPYL)-GLUTATHIONE 0 Bulb not available 125.0 -1.00 Tsuboi, S., Kishimoto, S., Ohmori, S. 1989. S-(2-carboxypropyl)glutathione in Vegetables in Liliflorae. J. Agric. Food Chem. 37(3): 611-615.
S-(BETA-CARBOXY-BETA-METHYL-ETHYL)-CYSTEINE 0 Bulb not available not available not available Virtamen, A. I., Matikkala, E. J. 1960. New Gamma-Glutamyl Peptides in Onion (Allium cepa). I. Gamma-glutamylphenylalanine and gamma-glutamyl-s-(beta-carboxy-beta-methylethyl)-cysteinylglycine. Suomen Kemistilehti, 33B: 83-84.
S-(BETA-CARBOXYBETA-METHYL-ETHER)-CYSTEINE 0 Bulb not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
S-ALLYL-CYSTEINE 0 Bulb not available not available not available Renis, H. E., Henze, R. E. 1957. Studies on Sulfur Compounds from Onion. Diss. Abstr. Int. B, 17: 1456-1457.
S-METHYL-CYSTEINE 0 Bulb not available not available not available Williamson, E. M. and Evans, F. J., Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, Revised Ed., Saffron Walden, the C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex UK, 362 pp, 1988, reprint 1989.
S-METHYL-CYSTEINE-SULFOXIDE 2 Bulb not available not available not available Kumari, K., Augusti, K. T. 1995. Antidiabetic Effects of S-Methylcysteine Sulphoxide on Alloxan Diabetes. Planta Medica, 61(1): 72-74.
S-PROP-1-ENYL-CYSTEINE-S-OXIDE 0 Bulb not available 26.0 not available Duke, 1992 *
S-PROPYL-CYSTEINE-SULFOXIDE 0 Bulb not available not available not available Renis, H. E., Henze, R. E. 1957. Studies on Sulfur Compounds from Onion. Diss. Abstr. Int. B, 17: 1456-1457.
SALICYLATES 7 Bulb 1.0 20.0 1.00 Duke, 1992 *
SAPONIN 0 Bulb not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
SAPONINS 5 Bulb not available not available not available Leung, A. Y. and Foster, S. 1995. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 649 pp.
SATIOMEM 0 Bulb not available not available not available Upreti, R. K., Ahmad, S., Shukla, S., Kidwai, A. M. 1994. Experimental Anorexigenic Effect of a Membrane Proteoglycan Isolated from Plants. J. Ethnopharmacology, 42(1): 53-61.
View the list of ubiquitous chemicals
List of plant activities.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Activity Chemical Count Reference
Gram(+)icide 3 LAWSON in Koch, H. P. and Lawson, L. D., eds. 1996. Garlic- The
Science and therapeutic application of Allium sativum L. and related species. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. 329 pp.
Gram(-)icide 1 LAWSON in Koch, H. P. and Lawson, L. D., eds. 1996. Garlic- The
Science and therapeutic application of Allium sativum L. and related species. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. 329 pp.
GT-Inducer 1 Duke, 1992 *
Hemolytic 2 Bisset, N.G., ed. 1994. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL. 566 pp.
Hemopoietic 1 Duke, 1992 *
Hemostat 5 Duke, 1992 *
Hemostatic 1 Merck 11th Edition
Hepatocarcinogenic 1 Duke, 1992 *
Hepatomagenic 2 Phenolic Compounds in Food and Their Effects on Health. Antioxidants & Cancer Prevention. Huang, M.T., Ho, C.T. and Lee, C.Y. eds. 1992. ACS Symposium Series 507.ACS, Washington 402 pp.
Hepatoprotective 17 Duke, 1992 *
Hepatotonic 1 Fitoterapia No.5-1986.
Hepatotoxic 4 Martindale's 29th
Hepatotropic 2 Duke, 1992 *
Herbicide 4 Lydon, J. & Duke, S., The potential of pesticides from plants, pp. 1-41 in Craker, L. & Simon, J., eds, Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants: Recent Advances in Botany, Horticulture, & Pharmacology, v. 4, Oryx Press, Phoenix, 1989, 267pp.
Histamine-Inhibitor 1 Duke, 1992 *
HIV-RT-Inhibitor 2 Garcia, J., Morin,* C., Nyasse, B., Sondengam, B-L., Tchouankeu, J-C., and Tsamo, E. Complete Structural Assignments Of An Ergosterol Derivative From Entandrophragma utile. Journal of Natural Products, 54(1): 136-142, 1991.
Hydrocholerectic 1 Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
Hypercholesterolemic 3 Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf).
Hyperglycemic 2 Merck 11th Edition
Hypertensive 3 Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf).