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Ethnobotanical Activity Rash


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Abies lasiocarpa not available
Achillea millefolium Rollike; Millefolium; Yarrow; Civanpercemi; Duizendblad; Cickafarkkoro; Biranjasif; Milenrama; Schafgarbe; Rolleka; Rojmari; Milefolio; Millefoglio; Tlalquequetzal; Millefeuille
Aneilema sp not available
Angelica anomala Pai Chih; Fu Li; Pai Chih Hsiang; Fang Hsiang; Pai Ch'Ih; Tse Fen
Artemisia sp not available
Asparagus sanfordiana not available
Baphicacanthus cusia not available
Benincasa hispida Tung Kua; Ti Chih; Shui Chih; Hindistan Qabaghi; Shijar Abyadh Hindi; Pai Kua; Tung Kua Tsu
Biophytum reinwardtii Krambilan; Biskutjinggan; Kutjinggan
Bursera simaruba Bois D'Encens; Indio Desnudo; Gommier Blanc; Jobo; Chique; Almacigo; Gommier Rouge; Almacigo Colorado; Almacigo Blanco; Fragon Caranne
Buxus sempervirens Simsir; Buis; Huang Yang Mu; Bwes Beni; Boxwood; Le Buis; Boj
Calophyllum inophyllum Tamanou; Penaga laut; Pudek; Bentangor bunga; Nyamplung; Palo Maria
Canarium samoense not available
Cestrum latifolium not available
Cimicifuga americana not available
Cocos nucifera Yeh Tzu; Cocoyeur; Nyiur; Drakht I Badinja; Kechambil; Yueh Wang T'Ou; Jeho; Ipai; Yeh Chung Chiu; Kelapa; Noix De Coco; Cocotero; Nyor; Cocoye; Kerambir; Mata De Coco; Coco; Cocotier; Kelambir; Kalapa; Niyu; Coqueiro; Palma De Coco; Kerambil; Hsu Yu
Crataegus sp Cha
Crotalaria incana Rattlebox
Croton flavens not available
Cucurbita maxima Shijar Askalah; Abobora Menina; Kadola; Shijar; Zapallo