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Ethnobotanical Activity Piles


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Erythrina crista-galli Eritrina
Euphorbia neriifolia Sudusudu; Forbion Otu; Patuk; Sudu Sudu; Sesudu; Sudha
Euphorbia tirucalli Kayu urip; Kayu patah tulang (Frac. wood); Tikel balung; Tulang-tulang; Pencil Tree; Mentulang; Milkbush; Paching tawa
Evodia lepta not available
Fatsia papyrifera T'Ung T'O Mu; T'Ung Ts'Ao
Ficus asperifolia Sandpaper Tree; Epin
Ficus glomerata Loh; Lowa; Gular; Ara
Ficus stipulata Ai Yu Tzu; Man T'Ou Lo
Forsythia suspensa Lien Ch'Iao; Rengyo; Lien; I Ch'Iao; Lan Hua; San Lien; Chu Ken; Li Ch'Ang; Han Lien Tzu; Lien Ts'Ao; Lien Yao
Frangula alnus Alder Buckthorn; Barutagaci; Arraclan
Funtumia elastica not available
Gentiana macrophylla not available
Gloriosa superba Ulatchandral; Langalika; Dorng Dueng; Kembang Djonggrang; Turk'S Cap; Glory Lily; Buch Nak Hindi; Superbe De Malabar; Superba Del Malabar; Lirio De Malabar; Kalihari; Malabarische Methonika
Glycine max Shih Yu; Ta Tou Shih; Ta Tou; Chiang; Ta Tou Huang Chuen; Huang Tou; Soya Fasulyasi; Tou Huang; Hei Tou; Tou Fu; Chiang Yu; Jung Shu; Jen Shu; Shu; Tou Yu; Soybean; Shih Tou
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Gan Cao
Gynandropsis gynandra Mamang; Maman hantu; Bhoebhoewan; Maman; Mahmah; Bobowan
Gynandropsis pentaphylla Pai Hua Ts'Ai; Yang Chio Ts'Ai; Pyasya
Hamamelis japonica Mansaku; Omoto; Okera
Hamamelis virginiana Chin Lu Mei; Amerika-Mansaku; Virginischer Zauberstrauch; Hamamelis; Pistachier Noir; Carpe; Witch Hazel; Trilopo; Virginische Toverhazelaar
Hemerocallis fulva Lu Ts'Ung; Yabu-Kanzo; I Nan; Chin Chen Ts'Ai; Sina-Kanzo; Hsuan Ts'Ao; Wang Yu; Huang Hua Ts'Ai; Hsuan