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Ethnobotanical Activity Piles


Plants with this use.
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Title Common Name
Solanum mammosum Pichichio; Tete Jeune Fille; Pomme D'Amour; Berenjena De Gallina; Berenja De Teta; Amourette Batarde; Tetin Jeune Fille; Pomme Zombi; Tentation Neg'Sotte; Calabacita; Morelle Molle; Terong susu (Nipple eggplant)
Solanum melongena Ch'Ieh; Aubergine; Nasu; Berenjena; Belinjele; Melongene; K'Un Lun Kua; Terong manis (Sweet eggplant); Lo Su; Berengine; Terong ungu (Purple eggplant); Terong hijau (Green eggplant); Ch'Ieh Ken; Nasubi; Strychnos Kepaios; Enchong; Baingan; Beregene; Eggplant; Berengene; Berengena
Solanum nigrum Lanment; Lung K'Uei; Morelle Noir; Yerba Mora; Lanman; Alaman; Morete; Long Kui; E'Nab Ath Tha'Lab; Inu-Hozuki; Ituzumu; Ranti; Manman Lanman; L'Homme; E'Nab Adh Dhib; Lanman Noir; Enab Ez Zhib; Gurkamai; Nightshade,Black; T'Ien P'Ao Ts'Ao; Terong meranti; Solatro Nero; Hierba Mora; Black Nightshade; Lao Ya Yen Ching Ts'Ao; Morelle Noire; T'Ien Ch'Ieh Tzu
Sonchus oleraceus Sow Thistle; T'U; Gansedistel; Thistle,Milky; Esek Marulu; Lechuguillo; Chicoree Marron; Cerraja; Lechuguilla; Jo'Dhaidh; Sowthistle; Thistle,Tufty; K'U Ts'Ai; Achicoria
Sophora flavescens not available
Sophora japonica Huai; Huai Chih Chiu
Sorbus aucuparia Uvez Agaci; Serbal Silvestre; Rowan Tree; European Mountainash
Sphaeranthus africanus Gelang liat lembu (Tough ox
Sphaeranthus indicus Mundi
Spondias sp not available
Stellaria aquatica Fan Lu; Chickweed
Stellaria media Chickenmeat; Sercedili; Alsine; Hashishat Al Qazzaz
Sterculia platanifolia Wu T'Ung; Wu Tung Chiu
Streblus asper Serut; Peleh
Strychnos ignatii Isnatius Bean; Poison Nut; Berg.
Sutherlandia frutescens Cancerbush; Cancerwort; Cancer Bush; Kanker Bos
Tacca leontopetaloides not available
Tagetes erecta Big Marigold; Souci; Fleurs Souci; Chambergo; Clavel De Los Muertos
Tagetes minuta Dwarf Marigold; Chinchilla
Tamarindus indica Asem; Tama-Rindo; Mandarin; Tamarin; Wit asem; Demirhindi; Asam jara; Tamarindier; Tamarindo; Tamarinde; Asam kawak; Tomale; Tamarind; Tomaring; Asam jawa; Tomarin