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Ethnobotanical Activity Leprosy


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Clusia rosea Resina De Copei; Figuier Maudit Marron; Bois Pale; Gros Figuier; Balsam Apple; Cupey; Figuier Maudit; Copey
Cnidium monnieri She Ch'Uang; Hui Ch'Uang; Ssu I; Tsao Chi; Hsu; Ch'Iang Mi; Ma Ch'Uang; She Mi; Sheng Tu
Commelina benghalensis not available
Corynanthe pachyceras not available
Costus speciosus Galoba oetan; Tawar; Tabar-tabar; Tawar-tawar; Costus; Setengteng; Setawar; Teng
Cymbopogon citratus Limonotu; Sere; Eri makoe; Sereh makan (Edible sereh); Sere mangat bi; Limoncillo; Citronela; Citronelle; Laoe wasiro; Hoe moeke; Serai; Tapisa-pisa; Salimbata
Cynometra ramiflora Belangkan; Kangkatong bukit
Cyrtocarpa procera not available
Dalbergia latifolia not available
Dioscorea alata Name; Tepatli
Dioscorea hispida Gadong; Bitoele; Gadung; Sijapa; Nami
Diospyros ebenum Ebony
Dipterocarpus lamellantus not available
Dipterocarpus turbinatus Gurjun Balsam; Gurjun
Drepanocarpus lunatus not available
Elaeocarpus oblongus not available
Eleusine coracana not available
Enantia polycarpa not available
Eriosema violaceum not available
Erythrina mildbraedii not available