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Ethnobotanical Activity Homicide


Plants with this use.
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Title Common Name
Abrus precatorius To-Azuki; Graines Reglisse; Rakat; Reglisse; Hung Tou; Rosary Pea; Cain Ghe; Peonia; Hint Meyankoku; Paternoster; Ma Liao Tou; Pois Rouge; Paratella; Liane Reglisse; Weesboontje; Peonia De St Tomas; Jequerit; Gunchi
Alocasia sp not available
Antiaris toxicaria Anchar; Upasr; Upas Tree
Arisaema triphyllum Indian Turnip; Aronknolle; Arum; Indian Onion
Aristolochia grandiflora not available
Calotropis procera Giant Milkweed; Al Dibaj
Croton tiglium Cheraken; Pa Tou; Simalakian; Badau; Kroton Agaci; Chemkian; Penchahar; Chengkian; Hazu
Datura metel Tatula; Kechubong; Kachubang; Metel; Kechubong hitam; L.; Dhatoora; Gawz Mathil; Kidi Ganian; Kechubong puteh; Ke-Tyosen-Asagao; Kuchubong
Datura stramonium Feng Ch'Ieh Erh; Doornappelkruid; Opium Tropical; Chamico; Noce Del Diavolo; Jimson_Eed; Pomme Epineuse; Stinkblaren; Jimsonweed; Jimson; Galurt; Man T'O Lo; Estramonio; Daturah; Cornicopio; Gemeiner Stechapfel; Nafeer; Floribunda; Concombre Zombie; Figuiero Do Inferno; Stramoine; Estramoni; Pomme Poison; Chamisco; Tapate; Buenas Tardes; Cocombre Zombie; Nongue; Cojon De Diablo
Dieffenbachia seguine Mata Del Cancer; Dumbcane; Dicha
Euphorbia cotinifolia not available
Gelsemium elegans Tuan Ch'Ang Ts'Ao; Lan Ch'Ang Ts'Ao; Kou Wen; Liman; Tu Ken; Hu Wan Ch'Iang; Ta Ch'A Yeh T'Eng
Gelsemium sempervirens Sariyasemin; Carolina Jessamine; Yellow Jessamine; Jasmine,Yellow
Gloriosa simplex not available
Gloriosa superba Ulatchandral; Langalika; Dorng Dueng; Kembang Djonggrang; Turk'S Cap; Glory Lily; Buch Nak Hindi; Superbe De Malabar; Superba Del Malabar; Lirio De Malabar; Kalihari; Malabarische Methonika
Hippomane mancinella Manchenille; Manzanillo; Manceniller; Mancinel; Pomme Zombi; Maximilien; Manzanilla; Manchineel; Mancenillier; Penaihva; Manchinelle; Manzinellbaum
Jatropha curcas Pinon; Jarak; Medicinier Beni; Grand Medicinier; Jarak budeg; Tuba; Pinon De La India; Purging Nut; Nanyo-Aburagi; Physic Nut; Jarak belanda; Feuilles Medecinier
Lysiloma ambigua Taquito; Tchia-Tchia Marron
Nerium oleander Oleander; Lurek; Adelfa; Laurier; Diflah; Laurier Tropical; Zakkum; Laurier Rose; Aghu; Laurier Des Jardins; Zhalah; Laurel Rosa; Rosa Del Peru; Defla; Berberia; Bunga jepun (Japanese flower); Piruli; Rosa Francesa; Alelia; Flor Del Peru
Nicotiana tabacum Tabac Mannoque; Tabaco; Tobacco; Tabac; Tutun; Yen Ts'Ao; Tan Pa Ku; Yen Ken; Tanigh; Nicoziana; Herbe A La Reine; Yu Ts'Ao; Tabigh; Toubac; Jen Ts'Ao