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Ethnobotanical Activity Eye


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Hedyotis fruticosa not available
Hedyotis scandens not available
Helianthus annuus Fleurs Soleil; Girasol; Guna Baqan; Ward Ash Shams; Gundondu; A'Bbad Al Shams; Aycicegi; Tournesol; A'In Ash Shams; Flor De Sol; Gula Barbaroza; Helianthe; Fleur Soleil; Himawari
Helichrysum fulgidum not available
Helicia artocarpoides not available
Heliotropium indicum Crete Coq; Crete Coq D'Inde; Herbe A Cataractes; Rumput oleh (Sleep-induc. gras; Cadillo; Crete De Coq; Moco De Pavo; Verbena Cimarrona; Uler-uleran; Hathi Sundhane; Ti-Jeannite; Herbe A Verrues; Herbe A Malingres; Crete Simple; Crete-Coq; Rabo De Alacran
Heliotropium strigosum not available
Heliotropium tuberculosum not available
Hemidesmus indicus Carivas
Hernandia ovigera not available
Hibiscus furcatus not available
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Woro-wari; Khatmah Siniyah; Bussoge; Feuilles Choublak; Bunga raya (Big flower); Fu Sang; Gumamela; Cin Gulu; Cayena; Jih Chi; Shoe-Black; Ru Sang; China Rose; Ch'Ih Chin; Chu Chin; Rose Of China
Hibiscus schizopetalus not available
Hidalgoa ternata not available
Hoheria populnea not available
Horsfordia alata not available
Houttuynia cordata Dokudami; Chu Ts'Ai; Ch'I; Yu Hsing Ts'Ao; Zyuyaku; Doku-Dami; Yu Xing Cao
Hydrastis canadensis Hidrastis; Goldenseal; Golden Seal
Hyoscyamus albus Banj; White Henbane; Hisquiamus; Meimendro Branco; Beleno Negro; Giusquiamo Bianco; Weisses Bilsenkraut; Jusquiame Blanche; Beleno Blanco; Wit Bilzenkruid
Hyoscyamus niger Sukran; Hiyosu; Hunabra-So; Banotu; Henbane; Jusquiame; Altercum; Henbane,Black; Black Henbane; Giusguiamo; Banj Barry