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Ethnobotanical Activity Eye


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Piliostigma thonningii Musomo
Pinus sp Sung Chieh Chiu; Pine; Sung Yeh Chiu; Sung Hsiang; Sung Huang; Sung Chieh; Sung Hua
Piper betel Lu Yu; Tambul; Phlu; Betel; Chu Chiang; T'U Pi Po; Fu Ya T'U Lu T'Eng; Sirih
Piper marginatum not available
Piper tutuilae not available
Pistia stratiotes Gadjambang; Kambiang; Sarme-sarme; Tajapoe; Kapu-kapu; Kiambang
Pithecoctenium echinatum not available
Plantago asiatica Oba-Ko
Plantago erosa not available
Pluchea sericea not available
Poikilospermum suaveolens not available
Pollia japonica Tu Jo; Tu Heng
Polygonum orientale Hung Ts'Ao; Oke-Tade; Shui Hung Hua Zi
Populus balsamifera Tz'U T'Ung; Hai T'Ung; Balm Of Gilead; Balsam Poplar; Tacamahaca
Potamogeton sp Yu
Potentilla pacifica not available
Premna taitensis not available
Prosopis glandsulosa Mesquite
Prosopis juliflora Bayarone Francais; Bohahunda; Bayahonde; Mizquitl; Bayahonda; Mesquite; Chambron; Cambron
Prunus armeniaca Kayisi Agaci; Hsing; Anzu; Mish Mish; T'Ien Mei; Hsing Jen T'Ang; Albaricoquero; Sha Hsing; Hsing Su; Mu Hsing; Arig; Apricot; Mei Hsing; Chin Hsing; Qaisi; Aprecock; Hsing Jin; Jou Hsing; Shan Hsing; Lai Hsing; Kaise