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Ethnobotanical Activity Evil eye


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Hedychium coccineum not available
Ipomoea batatas Sarilici Patates; Kan Shu Chiu; Patate Des Jardins; Batata; Satuma-Imo; Shan Yu; Keladi; Kan Shu; Shu Yu; Camote; Patate Douce; Patate; Batata Doce; Batata Hilwah
Ipomoea pes-caprae Batata pantai; Tapak kuda (Horse footprint); Batatilla; Patate Marron; Goat'S Foot; Liseron Pied-De-Chevre; Patate Lan Mer; Daun katang; Liane Manger Cochon; Katang-katang
Iris tectorum Ts'Ao Yu Lan; Yuan Wei; Yuan T'Ou; Wu Yuan; Itihatu
Justicia gendarussa Ch'In Chiao
Laportea interrupta not available
Lindera sericea Wu Chang; Tiao Chang
Loranthus sp not available
Micromelum minutum Chemama; Cherek-cherek; Cherek puteh
Mucuna bracteata not available
Mucuna sloanei not available
Nicotiana tabacum Tabac Mannoque; Tabaco; Tobacco; Tabac; Tutun; Yen Ts'Ao; Tan Pa Ku; Yen Ken; Tanigh; Nicoziana; Herbe A La Reine; Yu Ts'Ao; Tabigh; Toubac; Jen Ts'Ao
Paederia foetida Nu Ch'Ing; Kasembukan; Akar sekentut; Daun kentut; Kesimbukan; Ch'Iao Piao
Panax ginseng Jen Shen Chiu; Ren Shen; Jen Shen; Shen Ts'Ao; Shen Lu; Otane-Ninzin
Piper exorcista not available
Pogonatherum crinitum Rumput sembor batu; Penawar
Premna taitensis not available
Prinsepia utilis not available
Psidium guajava Goyave; Guava; Jambu portugal (Portuguese Eug; Goyavier; Jambu padang (Openfield Eugeni; Guayaba; Goavier; Jambu biji (Seedy Eugenia); Jambu burong (Bird Eugenia); Bayawas; Djambu; Petokal; Dipajaya; Tokal; Gouyave; Perala; Djamboe; Jambu pelawas
Putranjiva roxburghii not available