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Ethnobotanical Activity Ache(Back)


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Lomatium nudicaule not available
Lonchocarpus sericeus Anon De Majagua
Lophophora williamsii Peyote; Ubatama; Peytote
Lycium barbarum A'Usaj
Mahonia bealei not available
Mahonia japonica Shi Da Gong Lao
Malpighia polytricha not available
Markhamia acuminata Mutsikinyati
Marsilea quadrifolia P'Iu; Ssu Yeh Ts'Ai; T'Ien Tzu Ts'Ao
Melastoma dodecandrum not available
Melochia tomentosa not available
Melochia umbellata not available
Micromelum minutum Chemama; Cherek-cherek; Cherek puteh
Morus bombycis Yama-Guwa
Myxopyrum serratulum not available
Nicotiana tabacum Tabac Mannoque; Tabaco; Tobacco; Tabac; Tutun; Yen Ts'Ao; Tan Pa Ku; Yen Ken; Tanigh; Nicoziana; Herbe A La Reine; Yu Ts'Ao; Tabigh; Toubac; Jen Ts'Ao
Opuntia polyacantha not available
Orchidantha longiflora Lobak hutan; Lebok hutan
Parabarium micranthus not available
Parthenium hysterophorus Escoba De Puerco; Yerba Amarga; Balai Amer; Feuilles Bouton; Baille Lame; Absinthe Marron; Absynthe Batarde; Escoba Amarga; Friega Platos; Escobita Amarga; Parthene Multifide