Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
AMINOPHYLLINE | not available | Merck 10th Edition. |
CAMPHOR | not available | Merck 11th Edition |
HYDROQUINONE | 1,000 mg/man | Newall, C. A., Anderson, L. A. and Phillipson, J. D. 1996. Herbal Medicine - A Guide for Health-care Professionals. The Pharmaceutical Press, London. 296pp. |
LITHIUM | not available | Davies, S., and Stewart, A. 1990. Nutritional Medicine. Avon Books, New York. 509pp. |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Stevia rebaudiana | Ca-A-E; Sweet Leaf of Paraguay; Stevia | 1 | 102 |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | Buckbush | 1 | 1.059999942779541 |
Tanacetum parthenium | Feverfew | 1 | 832, 024 |
Tanacetum vulgare | Tansy | 1 | 1, 800 |
Teucrium asiaticum | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Teucrium gnaphalodes | Iberian Germander | 1 | 6 |
Teucrium oxylepis | not available | 1 | 0.2799999974668026 |
Teucrium polium | Iberian Golden Germander; Golden Germander | 1 | 2 |
Teucrium pseudoscorodonia | not available | 1 | 0.10000000149011612 |
Teucrium salviastrum | not available | 1 | 0 |
Teucrium scorodonia | Germander; Wood Germander | 1 | 0.5600000023841858 |
Thuja occidentalis | Arbor-Vitae; Northern White-Cedar | 1 | 0 |
Thymus broussonettii | Moroccan Thyme | 1 | 0 |
Thymus capitatus | 'Sicilian' Thyme; Spanish Origanum; Spanish Thyme | 1 | 27 |
Thymus cilicicus | 'Anatolian' Thyme | 1 | 940 |
Thymus funkii | Funk's Thyme | 1 | 2, 270 |
Thymus longicaulis | Kekik; Tas Kekik | 1 | 12 |
Thymus mastichina | Spanish Marjoram | 1 | 450 |
Thymus orospedanus | Orosped Thyme | 1 | 718 |
Thymus riatarum | 'Moroccan' Thyme | 1 | 25 |