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Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
1,8-CINEOLE | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
BROMELAIN | not available | Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf). |
CHLOROPHYLL | not available | Duke, 1992 * |
EPHEDRINE | not available | Martindale's 29th |
EPHEDRINE-HYDROCHLORIDE | not available | Martindale's 28th |
MENTHOL | not available | Martindale's 28th |
PHENOL | not available | Martindale's 28th |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Elsholtzia blanda | Bantaluki; Bantulsi | 1 | 24 |
Elsholtzia cristata | Furan Chemotype | 1 | 5 |
Elsholtzia nipponica | Hsiang Ju | 1 | 0 |
Elsholtzia pilosa | Hairy Mint Shrub | 1 | 1, 000 |
Elsholtzia polystachya | Bush Mint | 1 | 520 |
Elytrigia repens | Couchgrass; Doggrass; Quackgrass; Wheatgrass; Twitchgrass | 1 | 190 |
Ephedra gerardiana | Pakistani Ephedra | 1 | 7, 000 |
Ephedra nevadensis | Brigham Tea; Mormon Tea | 1 | 0 |
Ephedra sinica | Ma Huang; Chinese Ephedra | 1 | 90, 400 |
Eucalyptus albens | not available | 1 | 755 |
Eucalyptus angulosa | not available | 1 | 365 |
Eucalyptus astringens | not available | 1 | 8, 185 |
Eucalyptus behriana | not available | 1 | 1, 960 |
Eucalyptus blakelyi | not available | 1 | 11, 625 |
Eucalyptus bosistoana | not available | 1 | 9, 645 |
Eucalyptus botryoides | not available | 1 | 1, 880 |
Eucalyptus brassiana | Brasses' Eucalyptus | 1 | 3, 585 |
Eucalyptus bridgesiana | Bridges' Eucalyptus | 1 | 21, 580 |
Eucalyptus camaldulensis | not available | 1 | 5, 215 |
Eucalyptus ceratocorys | not available | 1 | 4, 465 |