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Biological Activity Angiotensin-Receptor-Blocker

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
ASCORBIC-ACID not available Duke, 1992 *
FIBER not available Duke, 1992 *
POTASSIUM not available Duke, 1992 *
List of Activity Plants.
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Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Hylocereus guatemalensis Guatemala Cereus; Nopalito De Guatemala 2 103, 880
Hylocereus undatus Night-Blooming Cereus; Nopalito De Noche; Strawberry Pear; Belle-of-the-Night; Queen-of-the-Night 2 707, 700
Hyoscyamus niger Henbane 1 5, 680
Hypericum perforatum Common St. Johnswort; Hypericum; Klamath Weed; St. John's-wort; Goatweed 1 8, 557.5
Ilex paraguariensis Mate; Paraguay Tea; South American Holly 1 530, 400
Inga edulis Guaba; Icecream Bean 2 87, 910
Inga feuillei Ice Cream Bean; Pacay 1 87, 500
Inula helenium Elecampane 2 10, 120
Ipomoea aquatica Swamp Cabbage; Water Spinach 3 477, 000
Ipomoea batatas Sweet Potato 3 369, 416
Iris x germanica Orris 1 9, 930
Isatis tinctoria Dyer's Woad 1 16, 300
Jatropha curcas Physic Nut; Purging Nut 1 310, 000
Juglans cinerea Butternut 2 28, 214
Juglans nigra Black Walnut 3 445, 585
Juglans regia English Walnut 3 126, 922
Juncus effusus Rush 2 317, 620
Juniperus communis Common Juniper; Juniper 3 260, 340
Juniperus virginiana Red Cedar 1 14, 080
Jussiaea repens Jussiaeae Herba; Pond Dragon 1 38, 400