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Biological Activity Analgesic

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
LIRIODENINE not available Grenand, P., Moretti, C., and Jacquemin, H. 1987. Pharmacopees Traditionnelles en Guyane. l'ORSTROM, Paris. 569 pp.
LYCORINE not available Huang, K. C. 1993. The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 388 pp.
MANNITOL not available Duke, 1992 *
MATRICINE not available Williamson, E. M. and Evans, F. J., Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations, Revised Ed., Saffron Walden, the C. W. Daniel Co., Ltd., Essex UK, 362 pp, 1988, reprint 1989.
MEDICARPIN not available Duke, 1992 *
MENTHOL not available Martindale's 28th
MENTHONE not available Duke, 1992 *
MESACONITINE not available Duke, 1992 *
METHYL-SALICYLATE not available Duke, 1992 *
METHYSTICIN 360 mg/kg ipr mus Hansel, R., Keller, K., Rimpler, H., and Schneider, G. eds. 1992. Hager's Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Drogen (A-D), 1209 pp., 1993 (E-O), 970 pp., 1994 (P-Z), 1196 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
MITRAGYNINE not available Wagner & Wolff, eds. 1977. New Natural Products (RS164. I56. 176)
MORPHINE 50 mg/kg orl mus Borchard, R. E., Barnes, C. D., and Eltherton, L. G. 1991. Drug Dosage in Laboratory Animals: A Handbook. (3rd Ed.) The Telford Press, Inc., P. O. Box 287, Caldwell NJ 07006.
MORPHINE 5-20 mg/4 hrs/ivn orl scu/man Martindale's 29th
MYRCENE not available Kauderer, B., Zamith, H., Paumgartten, F.J.R., and Speit, G. Evaluation of the Mutagenicity of B-Myrcene in Mammalian Cells In Vitro. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 18: 28-34, 1991.
N,N-DIETHYLAMINO-ETHYLAMINOCANTHIN-6-ONE 250 orl mus Collins, D.J., Culvenor, C.C.J., Lamberton, J.A., Loder, J.W. and Price, J.R., Plants for Medicines, CSIRO, East Melbourne, Australia, 1990, 303 pp.
NANDININE not available Duke, 1992 *
NARCEINE not available Merck 11th Edition
NARCOTINE not available Duke, 1992 *
NEOPINE not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
NEPETRIN not available Duke, 1992 *
List of Activity Plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Glaucium flavum Horned Poppy 3 0
Glechoma hederacea Alehoof 13 244
Glehnia littoralis Bei Sha Shen 2 26
Gliricidia sepium Mata Raton 2 3, 162
Gloriosa superba Glory Lily 1 0
Glycine max Soybean 18 8, 689.900000095367
Glycyrrhiza glabra Commom Licorice; Licorice; Smooth Licorice; Licorice-Root 18 2, 555, 701.999999672
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Chinese Licorice; Gan-Cao; Kan-Tsao 5 497, 076
Gossypium sp Cotton 8 75, 104.10000002384
Grindelia squarrosa Gumweed; Rosinweed 1 0
Guarea rusbyi Cocillana 1 0
Guatteria scadens Cipo-Ira 1 50, 000
Guazuma tomentosa not available 1 0
Gymnema sylvestre Gymnema; Miracle Fruit 3 1, 604.5999999046326
Haematoxylum campechianum Campechy; Logwood 1 0
Hamamelis virginiana Witch Hazel 3 54, 400
Harpagophytum procumbens Devil's Claw; Grapple Plant 9 61, 100.000024318695
Hedeoma drummondii Drummond's Pennyroyal 5 4, 954
Hedeoma hispida Hispid Pennyroyal 4 862
Hedeoma pulegioides American Pennyroyal 6 15, 750