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Plant Chrysanthemum parthenium (Asteraceae)

Common Names
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View the list of ubiquitous chemicals
List of plant chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Activity Count Plant Part Low Parts Per Million High Parts Per Million Standard Deviation Reference
SILICON 4 Leaf 0.8 4.6 -0.40 Duke, 1992 *
SILICON 4 Plant not available 46.0 -0.27 Duke, 1992 *
SODIUM 1 Leaf 9.0 48.0 -0.64 Duke, 1992 *
SODIUM 1 Plant not available 48.0 -0.30 Duke, 1992 *
TANAPARTHIN 0 Plant not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
TANAPARTHIN-1ALPHA,4ALPHA-EPOXIDE 0 Plant not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
TANAPARTHIN-1BETA,4BETA-EPOXIDE 0 Plant not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
TERPINEN-4-OL 23 Shoot not available 4.0 -0.17 Hendriks, H., Bos, R., and Woerdenbag, H. J. 1996. The Essential Oil of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip. Flavor and Fragrance Journal 11(6): 367-71.
TERPINOLENE 9 Shoot not available not available not available Hendriks, H., Bos, R., and Woerdenbag, H. J. 1996. The Essential Oil of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip. Flavor and Fragrance Journal 11(6): 367-71.
THIAMIN 31 Plant not available 4.1 -0.30 Duke, 1992 *
THIAMINE 0 Leaf 0.7 4.1 -0.27 Duke, 1992 *
THUJOPSENE 2 Shoot not available 1.5 -0.71 Hendriks, H., Bos, R., and Woerdenbag, H. J. 1996. The Essential Oil of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip. Flavor and Fragrance Journal 11(6): 367-71.
THYMOL 71 Shoot not available not available not available Hendriks, H., Bos, R., and Woerdenbag, H. J. 1996. The Essential Oil of Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz-Bip. Flavor and Fragrance Journal 11(6): 367-71.
TIN 4 Leaf 4.0 21.0 0.65 Duke, 1992 *
TIN 4 Plant not available 21.0 0.01 Duke, 1992 *
WATER 0 Leaf not available 820000.0 0.06 Duke, 1992 *
WATER 0 Plant not available 895000.0 0.53 Duke, 1992 *
ZINC 77 Leaf not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
ZINC 77 Plant not available not available not available Duke, 1992 *
View the list of ubiquitous chemicals
List of plant activities.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Activity Chemical Count Reference
(-)-Chronotropic 3 Hansel, R., Keller, K., Rimpler, H., and Schneider, G. eds. 1992. Hager's Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Drogen (A-D), 1209 pp., 1993 (E-O), 970 pp., 1994 (P-Z), 1196 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
(-)-Inotropic 3 Hansel, R., Keller, K., Rimpler, H., and Schneider, G. eds. 1992. Hager's Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, Drogen (A-D), 1209 pp., 1993 (E-O), 970 pp., 1994 (P-Z), 1196 pp. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
5-HT-Inhibitor 1 Duke, 1992 *
5-Lipoxygenase-Inhibitor 1 Duke, 1992 *
Acaricide 5 Duke, 1992 *
ACE-Inhibitor 4 Duke, 1992 *
AChE-Inhibitor 1 Grundy, D. L. and Still, C. C., Inhibition of acetylcholinesterases by pulegone-1,2-epoxide, Oest. Biochem. & Physiol., 23, 1985, 383-8.
Acidulant 1 Aloe Research Council - Duke writeup of non-peer reviewd book by Coats and draft by Henry
Aldose-Reductase-Inhibitor 6 Shimizu, M., Ito, T., Terashima, S., Hayashi, T., Arisawa, M., Morita, N., Kurokawa, S., Ito, K., and Hashimoto, Y. 1984. Inhibition of Lens Aldose Reductase by Flavonoids. Phytochemistry, 23: 1885-1888.
Allelochemic 4 Duke, 1992 *
Allelopathic 6 Duke, 1992 *
Allergenic 12 Duke, 1992 *
Amphiglycemic? 1 Davies, S., and Stewart, A. 1990. Nutritional Medicine. Avon Books, New York. 509pp.
Analgesic 8 Duke, 1992 *
Ancylostomicide 1 Madaus, G. 1976. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Hilfmittel. Vol,. 1-3. 2862 pp. (+ 144 p. index). Georg Olms Verlag, Hildescheim. Reprint of 1938 Madaus.
Androgenic? 1 Pizzorno, J.E. and Murray, M.T. 1985. A Textbook of Natural Medicine. John Bastyr College Publications, Seattle, Washington (Looseleaf).
Anesthetic 5 Duke, 1992 *
Angiotensin-Receptor-Blocker 3 Duke, 1992 *
Ankylostomacide 1 Madaus, G. 1976. Lehrbuch der Biologischen Hilfmittel. Vol,. 1-3. 2862 pp. (+ 144 p. index). Georg Olms Verlag, Hildescheim. Reprint of 1938 Madaus.
Anorexic 1 Cooper-Driver, G. A., Chemical substances in plants toxic to animals, pp. 213-47 in Rechcigl, M., Jr., ed. CRC Handbook of Naturally Occurring Food Toxicants, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1983, 339 pp.