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List of all chemical plants
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Plant Part Low PPM High PPM StdDev *Reference
Abies alba Resin, Exudate, Sap -- -- -- *
Achillea millefolium Plant -- -- -- *
Achillea millefolium Leaf -- -- -- Leung, A. Y. and Foster, S. 1995. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 649 pp.
Aconitum napellus Plant -- -- -- *
Aconitum napellus Root -- -- -- *
Actinidia chinensis Plant -- -- -- *
Allium cepa Bulb -- -- -- Soldatenkov, S. V., Mazurova, T. A., Ranteleev, A. N. 1960. Organic Acids of Onion and Spinach. Trudy Petergof Biol. Inst., Leningrad Gosudarst Univ Im AA Zhdanova, 18: 55-61.
Allium cepa Leaf -- -- -- Soldatenkov, S. V., Mazurova, T. A., Ranteleev, A. N. 1960. Organic Acids of Onion and Spinach. Trudy Petergof Biol. Inst., Leningrad Gosudarst Univ Im AA Zhdanova, 18: 55-61.
Allium sativum var. sativum Plant -- -- -- Stitt, Paul. Why George should eat broccoli.
Allium schoenoprasum Leaf -- -- -- *
Alocasia macrorrhiza Plant -- -- -- *
Angelica archangelica Plant -- -- -- Pakistan Encyclopedia Planta Medica. 1986.
Angelica sinensis Root -- -- -- Jim Duke's personal files.
Apium graveolens Pt -- -- -- *
Apium graveolens Root -- -- -- *
Arnica montana Rhizome -- -- -- *
Asparagus officinalis Shoot -- -- -- *
Atropa bella-donna Leaf -- -- -- *
Averrhoa carambola Fruit -- 2200.0 1.0 Morton, J.F., Major Medicinal Plants. 1977. Atlas of Medicinal Plants of Middle America. Bahamas to Yucatan. 1981.
Brassica oleracea var. botrytis l. Plant -- -- -- *
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.