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Ethnobotanical Activity Yaws


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Alchornea cordifolia not available
Andira inermis not available
Anthurium palmatum not available
Baccaurea wallichii Rambai
Bauhinia excisa not available
Blighia sapida Akee; Aki; Arbre A Fricasser
Boerhaavia diffusa Pega Pollo Cimarron; Manger Cochon; Toston; L.; Pega Pollo; Liane Manger Cochon; Punarnava
Calamus ornatus Rotan manau kelesek; Rotan machap; Rotan manau
Canarium sp. Kananga
Carapa procera not available
Cerbera manghas Bintaru; Bentan
Citrus aurantifolia Citron; Citronnier; Limau nipis; Limau amkian; Lima; Limau masam; Lima Bobo; Limau asam; Citron Vert; Citronnier Verjus
Citrus aurantiifolia Laimun; Agac Kavunu Agaci; Ben Zuhair; Numi Basra; Lime; Basra Limisi; Vijapura
Citrus sp Lemon
Clausena excavata Pokok kemantu; Tikusan; Kemantu hitam; Cherek hitem; Secherek; Bagal tikus; Pokok cherek (Diarrhea tree)
Curcuma domestica Yu Chin; Turmeric; Olena; Kurkuma Uzum; Safran Des Indes; Safran Du Pays; Safran De St Domingue; Safron Du Pays; Ukon; Haridra
Cycas rumphii Pakis radja; oeta ai nijer; Pakoe adji; Papa; Sajor kalapi; Akor; Siboe-siboe
Dalbergia saxatilis not available
Dieffenbachia seguine Mata Del Cancer; Dumbcane; Dicha
Dissotis rotundifolia not available