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Ethnobotanical Activity Urogenital


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Abies balsamea Balsam,Canada; Balsam Fir; Fir
Abrus precatorius To-Azuki; Graines Reglisse; Rakat; Reglisse; Hung Tou; Rosary Pea; Cain Ghe; Peonia; Hint Meyankoku; Paternoster; Ma Liao Tou; Pois Rouge; Paratella; Liane Reglisse; Weesboontje; Peonia De St Tomas; Jequerit; Gunchi
Acacia sieberana not available
Achyranthes bidentata Niu Hsi; Too-Inokozuti; Soei in soei in taloen; Niu Hsi Chiu
Actinidia chinensis Teng Li Gen
Actinodaphne hookeri not available
Aganosma marginata not available
Alisma plantago Tse Hsieh; Cobandudugu; Hsieh; Chi Hsieh; Shui Hsieh; Mang Yu; Ku Hsieh; Yu; Yu Sun
Amomum cardamomum not available
Angelica anomala Pai Chih; Fu Li; Pai Chih Hsiang; Fang Hsiang; Pai Ch'Ih; Tse Fen
Arbutus unedo Koca Yemis; Djina; Madrono
Aspidistra elatior Ha-Ran
Asteracantha longifolia not available
Auricularia auricula not available
Borago officinalis Borraja; Fleurs De Bourrache; Hodan; Ruri-Zisa; Bourrache
Boswellia carteri Ju Hsiang; Tu Lu Hsiang; To Chia Lo Hsiang; Hsun Lu Hsiang; Male Incense; Incienso; Mo Le Hsiang; T'Ien Tse Hsiang; Kondor
Byrsocarpus coccineus Awennade
Calluna vulgaris Funda; Heather; Brecina
Carpodiptera cubensis Feuilles D'Ortie; Ortie Blanche; Z'Ortie Bois Blanc; Bois Blanc; Bois D'Ortie
Castilleja patriotica not available