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Ethnobotanical Activity Styptic


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Equisetum bogotense Yerba Del Platero
Galium cruciatum Hacotu
Geranium maculatum Benekli Turnagagasi; Cranesbill
Geranium sanguineum Kanitiri; Gotsgnad
Geum urbanum Seiyo-Daikon-So; Meryemotu; Hashishat Al Mubarek; Benedicte; Cariofilada
Guazuma ulmifolia Bois De Hetre; Bois D'Homme; Bois D'Orme; Guacima Cimarrona; Guacima; Orme D'Amerique; Guazuma
Gynura pinnatifida San Ch'I; Chin Pu Huan; Shan Ch'I
Hemitelia lucida not available
Hopea odorata Chengal
Hypericum japonicum not available
Hyphaene thebaica not available
Jatropha curcas Pinon; Jarak; Medicinier Beni; Grand Medicinier; Jarak budeg; Tuba; Pinon De La India; Purging Nut; Nanyo-Aburagi; Physic Nut; Jarak belanda; Feuilles Medecinier
Justicia gendarussa Ch'In Chiao
Kalanchoe laciniata Setawar kampong (Summoning...); Tapak itek (Duck footprint); Chakar itek (Duck foot)
Krameria argentea not available
Krameria ixina not available
Krameria triandra Ratanya; Rhatany
Laggera aurita not available
Lamium purpureum Pwin D'Polet; Nettle,Red
Lemna minor Fou P'Ing; Su Mercimegi; A'Das Al May; Lenteja De Agua; A'Des El Ma