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Ethnobotanical Activity Poultice


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Liriodendron tulipifera not available
Lobelia fervens not available
Lonicera involucrata not available
Lophopyxis pierrei Tali Sesawi
Ludwigia adscendens not available
Lysichiton americanum Western Skunkcabbage
Malva parviflora not available
Marah oregana not available
Matricaria chamomilla Papatya; Babunnej; Camomile; Manzanilla; Chamomile; Kami-Ture; Bayboon; Amerale; Manzanilla Dulce
Moneses uniflora not available
Montrichardia arborescens Arum Du Pays; Aninga; Aninga Uva
Myrmecodia tuberosa Periok hantu
Narcissus tazetta Shui Hsien; Suisen; Chin Chan Yin T'Ai; Dohn En Nirdjis; Oil Of Narcissus
Nepeta cataria Inu-Hakka(Tikuma-Hakka); Nebeda; Yalanci Kediotu; Catnip; Nepeta
Nopalea cochenillifera Raquette Espagnole; Raquette Pangnol; Nopal; Tuna De Espana
Nuphar variegatum not available
Ophioglossum vulgatum Adder's Tongue; Yilandili; Lengua De Serpiente
Oplopanax horridum not available
Opuntia megacantha Tuna
Opuntia sp Kaynanadili; Firavuninciri; Tuna