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Ethnobotanical Activity Pain


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Cyclamen europaeum Yersomunu; Pwin D'Pourcia
Cymbopogon nardus Hint Zumbulu; Sereh wangi (Fragrant sereh); Citronnelle; Seriwang
Cyperus fastigiatus not available
Datura arborea Floripondio; Angel'S Trumpet
Dianthus pectinatus not available
Dioscorea nummularia not available
Echium vulgare Havaciva Otu; Viper'S Bugloss; Viborera
Equisetum debile Roempoet betoeng
Erigeron bonariensis not available
Eryngium campestre Cardo Corredor; Eryggion
Ficus indica Figuier Des Indes
Gladiolus ecklonii not available
Haemanthus hirsutus not available
Indigofera pulchella not available
Inula cappa not available
Inula japonica not available
Ipomoea leptophylla not available
Kydia calycina not available
Leptospermum ericoides not available
Linum thunbergii not available