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Ethnobotanical Activity Ophthalmia


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Equisetum hyemale Buyuk Atkuyrugu; Tokusa; Shavegrass; Mu Tsei
Eriocaulon buergerianum not available
Eriocaulon sieboldianum not available
Ervatamia coronaria Ubat sentak; Susun kelapa; Kembang mantega; Bunga susu (Milk flower); Susok ayam (Cock's spur); Kembang susu; Grape Jasmine; Manda kaki
Erythrina subumbrans Dadap lisa; Dedap batik; Dedap; Dadap lenga; Chengkering
Erythrina variegata Chengkering (Abscess); Petaqueros; Arbor Maurepasia; Chengkering; Baton De Sorcier; Dedap; Le Maurepas
Eupatorium inulaefolium not available
Euphorbia hirta Ara tamah; Kukon-kukon; Kelusan; Gelang susu; Patikan; Milkweed; Asthma Herb; Ngonderamango; Pempe; Gendong anak
Euphorbia neriifolia Sudusudu; Forbion Otu; Patuk; Sudu Sudu; Sesudu; Sudha
Euphorbia thymifolia Sedang padang; Sisi merah; Gelang susu; Rumput jangot; Jarak blanda
Euphrasia officinalis Eufrasia; Gozlukotu; Eufragia
Euthemis leucocarpa Belusung puteh
Eysenhardtia polystachya not available
Fagara monophylla not available
Fibraurea chloroleuca Ki koneng; Peron; O-To; Akar kuning (Yellow climber); Akar kunyit (Turmeric climber); Merkunyit; Areuj; Akar kenching kerbau (Buffalo-
Ficus benghalensis Bengal Inciri Agaci
Floscopa scandens Hawa-hawar; Aur-aur; Awo-awo; Kampong ayer
Fraxinus bungeana not available
Fraxinus rhynchophylla Tyosen-Toneriko
Garcinia nigrolineata Kandis