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Ethnobotanical Activity Inflammation


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Sedum spectabile not available
Semiaquilegia adoxoides Tian Kui Zi; Tien Kui Zi
Sempervivum tectorum Kayakorugu; Herba De Foc; Hauswurz; Houseleek; Cuvakaca; Hen-And-Chickens; Roof Houseleek; Haus Wachs; Djibaube; Siempreviva Mayor
Senecio crepidifolius not available
Senecio scandens Ch'Ien Li Chi
Sesbania sesban not available
Sida cordifolia Pokok kelulut puteh; Bala
Sida neglecta Guimauve
Smilax sp Saparna; Khao Yen; Sarsaparilla
Solandra nitida not available
Solanum erianthum Amourette; Tabac Marron; Zamourette; Tabacon
Solanum nigrum Lanment; Lung K'Uei; Morelle Noir; Yerba Mora; Lanman; Alaman; Morete; Long Kui; E'Nab Ath Tha'Lab; Inu-Hozuki; Ituzumu; Ranti; Manman Lanman; L'Homme; E'Nab Adh Dhib; Lanman Noir; Enab Ez Zhib; Gurkamai; Nightshade,Black; T'Ien P'Ao Ts'Ao; Terong meranti; Solatro Nero; Hierba Mora; Black Nightshade; Lao Ya Yen Ching Ts'Ao; Morelle Noire; T'Ien Ch'Ieh Tzu
Sonchus brachyotus not available
Sophora subprostrata Shan Dou Gen
Spermacoce hispida not available
Spinacia oleracea Ispanak; Epinard; Espinaca; Ispinakh; Po Leng Ts'Ai; Spinagh; Po Ssu Ts'Ao; Spinach; Po Ts'Ai; Ch'Ih Ken Ts'Ai
Spondias mombin Jobo Macho; Mombin Franc; Ciruela; Gros Mombin; Myrobalane; Grand Mombin; Jobo De Puerco; Grtand Mombin Franc; Hogplum; Ciruela Amarilla
Spondias purpurea Cirouellier; Jobo Negro; Abricotier Batard; Ciruela Sanjuanera; Ciruela Morada; Ciroyere D'Amerique; Jobo; Cirouelle
Sprekelia formosissima not available
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Verbena; Verveine Bleue; Bastard Vervain; Verveine A Queue De Rat; Verveine; Rumput tahi babi (Pig dung gra; Verbena Azul; Verveine Violette; Brazilian Tea; Gewongan; Selaseh dandi (Spotted basil)