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Ethnobotanical Activity Impetigo


Plants with this use.
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Title Common Name
Arctium lappa Arqityon; Niu P'Ang Tzu; Gobo; Dulavratotu; Waisar; Burdock Blood; Lampazo Mayor; Ta Li Tzu; Niu Ts'Ai; Shu Nien; Kuang Mu Hsiang; Wu Shih; Bardana; Burdock; Kewe
Crotalaria juncea Qinnab Al Krotalarya
Crotalaria retusa Orok-orok tjina; Gering landak; Rattlebox
Crotalaria sericea not available
Crotalaria verrucosa Gegiring jantan; Rattlebox
Derris elliptica Tuba benar (True fish-poison); Akar Djenu; Derisu; Akar tuba (Fish-poison vine); Tuba
Dictamnus albus Dictamo Blanco; Gazelotu; Pai Hsien; Pai Shan; Dittany; Chin Ch'Iao Erh Chiao
Euphorbia calyculata not available
Euphorbia humifusa Ti Chin
Gynocardia odorata Ta Feng Tzu
Lepidium ruderale not available
Marsilea quadrifolia P'Iu; Ssu Yeh Ts'Ai; T'Ien Tzu Ts'Ao
Plantago asiatica Oba-Ko
Plantago erosa not available
Plantago major Plantain; Llanten; Oba-Ko; Tarkuz; Ch'E Ch'Ien; Sangka buwah; Wegerlich; Llanten Mayor; Daum sejumbok; Buyuk Sinirliot; Gechi Qulaghi; Sangkuwah; Sangkubah; Lisan Al Hamal; Ekur anjing (Dog tail); Sembung otot; Otot ototan; Sei Ohr Re; Suri pandak; Bazir Dam Bil; Arnoglossa; Meloh kiloh
Scrophularia marilandica Maryland Figroot; Figwort
Sida rhombifolia Seleguri padang; Padang belulang; Otok-otak; Seleguri; Cheleguri; Senduri; Sedeguri; Getanguri; Bunga padang; Sidaguri; Sidoguir; Tsindahoro; Atibala; Senanguri; Sendaguri; Chinaguri; Lemak ketam (CRab's fat); Broomjue Sida