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Ethnobotanical Activity Diuretic


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Asphodelus fistulosus Shiryas; Gamonita; Asphodel
Asphodelus microcarpus Asphodel
Asphodelus ramosus Cirisotu; Asphodel
Asphodelus tenuifolius not available
Aspidistra elatior Ha-Ran
Asplenium ceterach not available
Asplenium macrophyllum not available
Aster incisa not available
Asteracantha longifolia not available
Astilbe japonica Awamori-Shoma; Saikati; Yabu-Karasi
Astragalus hoantchy Huang Ch'I
Astragalus membranaceus Huang Qi
Astragalus molissimus Yabani Meyan Koku
Athamanta oreoselinum Berg Petersilie; Athamante
Atractylis chinensis Ts'Ang Shu
Atractylis ovata Shu Chiu; Ts'Ang Shu
Atractylodes lancea Hosoba-Okera; Tyosen-Okera
Atriplex hortensis Arva Armoles; Qataf Abyadh; Arroche Cultive; Orach; Armuella De Huerta
Atropa acuminata not available
Atropa belladonna Beradona; Belladone; Belladonna; Nightshade,Deadly; Guzelavratotu; Belladonne; Waldnachtschatten; Nwar Boton