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Ethnobotanical Activity Cold


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Citharexylum affine not available
Citharexylum berlandieri not available
Citrus aurantifolia Citron; Citronnier; Limau nipis; Limau amkian; Lima; Limau masam; Lima Bobo; Limau asam; Citron Vert; Citronnier Verjus
Citrus fusca Chih Ju Chiu
Citrus limon Limon; Limonero; Lemun Tresh; Lemun Hamedh; Lemon; Miski
Citrus paradisi Grapefruit
Citrus reticulata Mandarine; Kan; Chu Sha Chu; Tran Bi
Citrus sinensis Portakal; Orange; Naranja De China; Z'Orange Douce; Oranger Doux; Naranjo Dulce
Citrus sp Lemon
Cleidion sp not available
Clematis dioica Liane Bon Garcon; Cabellos De Angel; Barbas De Chivos
Clematis ligusticifolia not available
Clematis montana not available
Cnestis ferruginea not available
Cocos nucifera Yeh Tzu; Cocoyeur; Nyiur; Drakht I Badinja; Kechambil; Yueh Wang T'Ou; Jeho; Ipai; Yeh Chung Chiu; Kelapa; Noix De Coco; Cocotero; Nyor; Cocoye; Kerambir; Mata De Coco; Coco; Cocotier; Kelambir; Kalapa; Niyu; Coqueiro; Palma De Coco; Kerambil; Hsu Yu
Codonanthe crassifolia not available
Colchicum ritchii not available
Coldenia palmeri not available
Coleus amboinicus Bangun-bangun; Nilam; Daun kuching; Hati-hati; Membangun; Oreille
Coleus atropurpureus Ati-ati merah; Iler; Ketangan; Daun ati-ati; Salip kechil