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Ethnobotanical Activity Cancer(Skin)


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Althaea sp not available
Callicarpa americana Mulberry,Dwarf
Erythroxylum catauba Chuchuhuasha
Euphorbia sp Memeya Quauhnahuacense; Um Hlonhlo; Euphorbes; Memeya Ocopetlayucense; Golondrina; Isihlehle; Warwort; Yxpapachca
Heliconia subulata Platavillo Morado
Jacaranda caerulea Cancerbush
Linum usitatissimum Keten; Flax; Lino; Chih Ma; Ama; Kittan; Hu Ma; Kahtan; Lin; Linaza; Linseed; Kettan
Lycopodium clavatum Lycopode; Musco Clavato; Kurtpencesi; Licopodio; Hikage-No-Kazura
Menyanthes trifoliata Mitu-Gasiwa; Menyanthe; Suyoncasi; Trebol De Agua; Tsui Ts'Ao; Shui Ts'Ai; Marsh Buckbean; Trefoil,Bean; Cho Ts'Ai; Trefle; Ming Ts'Ai
Podophyllum emodi Himalayan Mayapple; Hint Podofili
Pomaderris elliptica Kumarahou
Rhamnus fallax not available
Rumex hymenosepalus Canegeira; Canaigre
Sisymbrium sp Mustrad,Wild