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Biological Activity Fungicide

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List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
MUSIZIN not available Duke, 1992 *
MUZIGADIAL not available Duke, 1992 *
MYRCENE not available Keeler, R.F. and Tu, A.T. eds. 1991. Toxicology of Plant and Fungal Compounds. (Handbook of Natural Toxins Vol. 6) Marcel Dekker, Inc. NY. 665 pp.
MYRISTICIN MIC=20 ug Duke, 1992 *
NAPTHAQUINONE not available Duke, 1992 *
NARINGENIN 2.5 mM Duke, 1992 *
NEOCNIDOLIDE not available Oriental Materia Medica (three volumes by Dr. Hsu and collaborators)
NEPODIN not available Duke, 1992 *
NIMBIDIN not available Atal and Kapur, 1982
NIMBIDOL not available Atal and Kapur, 1982
NIMBIN not available Atal and Kapur, 1982
NOBILETIN not available Duke, 1992 *
NOOTKATIN not available Duke, 1992 *
NORDIHYDROGUAIARETIC-ACID not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
NYASOL not available Duke, 1992 *
O-COUMARIC-ACID not available Pharmazie, 46: 156, 1991.
O-METHOXYCINNAMALDEHYDE not available Wichtl, M. 1984. Teedrogen. Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker und Arzte. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellscharft. mbH Stuttgart. 393 pp.
OCTANOIC-ACID not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
ODORATOL not available Duke, 1992 *
ORCHINOL 100 ug/ml Lydon, J. & Duke, S., The potential of pesticides from plants, pp. 1-41 in Craker, L. & Simon, J., eds, Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants: Recent Advances in Botany, Horticulture, & Pharmacology, v. 4, Oryx Press, Phoenix, 1989, 267pp.
List of Activity Plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Rosmarinus eriocalyx Rosemary 9 9, 070
Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary 28 1, 683, 350.5400000215
Rosmarinus tomentosus Hairy Rosemary 9 7, 020
Rosmarinus x lavandulaceus Lavender Rosemary 9 5, 810
Rosmarinus x mendizabalii Mendizabali's Rosemary 9 2, 714
Rubus chamaemorus Cloudberry 1 0
Rubus fruticosus Blackberry 2 0
Rubus idaeus Red Raspberry; Raspberry 17 129, 005
Rubus parviflorus Salmonberry; Thimbleberry 3 0
Rubus phoenicolasius Wineberry; Wine Raspberry; Japanese Wineberry 1 0
Rubus sp. not available 1 0
Rubus spectabilis Salmonberry 3 0
Rumex acetosa Garden Sorrel 3 2
Rumex acetosella Sheep Sorrel 1 0
Rumex crispus Curly Dock; Lengua De Vaca; Yellow Dock; Sour Dock 5 58, 450
Rumex hymenosepalus Canaigre 1 12, 000
Ruscus aculeatus Butcher's Broom; Box-Holly 2 2.799999952316284
Ruta graveolens Rue 11 0
Salix alba White Willow 7 121.10000002384186
Salix sp. not available 1 0