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Biological Activity Antiarrhythmic

List of activity chemicals.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column. *Unless otherwise noted all references are to (Duke, 1992)
Chemical Name Dosage Reference
BUTYLIDENE-PHTHALIDE not available Duke, 1992 *
CALCIUM 500-1,500 mg Duke, 1992 *
CALPURNINE not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
CAPSAICIN 100 uM Duke, 1992 *
CHANDRINE not available Duke, 1992 *
CHANGROLIN 3 mg min man Huang, K. C. 1993. The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL 388 pp.
COCAINE not available Cardiology from Nature.(by Authur Hollman, s.d.) Telectronics Pacing System, London. 13 pp.
CYCLOPROTOBUXINE not available Duke, 1992 *
CYCLOVIROBUXINE-C not available Advance in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research. 1985. Eds. H. M. Chang, H. W. Yeung, W. -W. Tso and A. Koo. World Scientific Publishing Co., Philadelphia Pa., page 407.
CYCLOVIROBUXINE-D not available Advance in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research. 1985. Eds. H. M. Chang, H. W. Yeung, W. -W. Tso and A. Koo. World Scientific Publishing Co., Philadelphia Pa., page 407.
DAIDZEIN not available Duke, 1992 *
DAIJISON not available Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of the Tropics. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M., ed. Pudoc, Wageningen. 1987.
DAURICINE 4 mg/kg ivn hmn Duke, 1992 *
DENUDATINE not available Advance in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research. 1985. Eds. H. M. Chang, H. W. Yeung, W. -W. Tso and A. Koo. World Scientific Publishing Co., Philadelphia Pa., page 407.
DICHROINE not available Duke, 1992 *
DIHYDROCORYNANTHEINE not available Duke, 1992 *
DIPOTASSIUM-MAGNESIUM-DIOXALATE-DIHYDRATE not available Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of the Tropics. Leeuwenberg, A.J.M., ed. Pudoc, Wageningen. 1987.
ERVINE 0.5-1 mg/kg Duke, 1992 *
ESCULETIN not available Duke, 1992 *
FAGARINE not available Jeffery B. Harborne and H. Baxter, eds. 1983. Phytochemical Dictionary. A Handbook of Bioactive Compounds from Plants. Taylor & Frost, London. 791 pp.
List of Activity Plants.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Plant Name Common Name Chemical Count Total Parts Per Million
Colocasia esculenta Taro 3 99, 204
Colubrina texensis Texas colubrina 1 32, 900
Commelina benghalensis Benghal dayflower 1 15, 215
Commiphora wightii Guggul; Indian Bdellium-Tree 4 0
Convallaria majalis Lily-Of-The-Valley 1 0
Conyza canadensis Butterweed; Hogweed; Horseweed 1 0
Coptis chinensis Chinese Goldthread; Huang-Lian; Huang-Lien 6 308, 010
Coptis japonica Huang-Lia; Huang-Lian; Huang-Lien; Japanese Goldthread 6 330, 680
Coptis spp Generic Goldthread 7 102, 670
Corchorus olitorius Jew's Mallow; Mulukiya; Nalta Jute 3 207, 195
Coriandrum sativum Coriander; Chinese Parsley; Cilantro 7 309, 966
Cornus florida American Dogwood 2 0
Cornus mas Cornelian Cherry; Sorbet 1 0
Cornus officinalis Chinese Dogwood 5 23, 580
Corydalis spp Fumewort 5 0
Corylus americana American Filbert; American Hazel 1 0
Corylus avellana English Filbert; European Filbert; European Hazel; Hazel; Cobnut 4 80, 900
Crataegus cuneata Hawthorn 4 16, 430
Crataegus laevigata Hawthorn; English Hawthorn; Whitethorn; Woodland Hawthorn 9 70, 040
Crataegus monogyna Hawthorn; English Hawthorn 5 0