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Chemical Name | Dosage | Reference |
ALLICIN | 500 uM | LAWSON in Koch, H. P. and Lawson, L. D., eds. 1996. Garlic- The Science and therapeutic application of Allium sativum L. and related species. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore. 329 pp. |
INULIN | (diagnostic)=50 mg/kg/ivn/man | Martindale's 29th |
Plant Name | Common Name | Chemical Count | Total Parts Per Million |
Menyanthes trifoliata | Bogbean; Buckbean; Bog Myrtle; Marsh Clover; Marsh Trefoil; Water Trefoil | 1 | 0 |
Momordica charantia | Bitter Melon; Sorosi | 1 | 58, 000 |
Parthenium integrifolium | Feverfew; American Feverfew; Wild Quinine; Missouri Snakeroot; Prairie-Dock | 1 | 750, 000 |
Petasites hybridus | European Butterbur | 1 | 35, 000 |
Petasites japonicus | Butterbur | 1 | 170, 000 |
Platycodon grandiflorum | Balloon Flower; Chieh-Keng; Jie-Geng | 1 | 0 |
Punica granatum | Pomegranate; Grenadier (Fr.); Granatapfelbaum (Ger.); Granatapfelstrauch (Ger.); Zakuro (Jap.); Romanzeiro (Port.); Granado (Sp.); Mangrano (Sp.) | 1 | 160, 000 |
Saussurea lappa | Costus; Kuth | 1 | 360, 000 |
Solidago virgaurea | European Goldenrod; Woundwort | 1 | 0 |
Taraxacum mongolicum | Mongoloid Dandelion | 1 | 0 |
Taraxacum officinale | Dandelion | 1 | 300, 000 |
Tragopogon porrifolius | Salsify | 1 | 0 |
Tussilago farfara | Coltsfoot | 1 | 0 |