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Ethnobotanical Activity Collyrium


Plants with this use.
Click on column headings to sort table by that column.
Title Common Name
Abies grandis not available
Abrus precatorius To-Azuki; Graines Reglisse; Rakat; Reglisse; Hung Tou; Rosary Pea; Cain Ghe; Peonia; Hint Meyankoku; Paternoster; Ma Liao Tou; Pois Rouge; Paratella; Liane Reglisse; Weesboontje; Peonia De St Tomas; Jequerit; Gunchi
Acer nikoense Megusuri-No-Ki
Acer pycnanthum Hana-No-Ki
Acer rubrum Kirmizi Isfendan Agaci; Red Maple
Aesculus turbinata Toti-No-Ki
Ageratum conyzoides Aru batu; Wedusan; Bandotan; Rompesaraguelo; Rumput tahi ayam; Berokan
Alchornea cordifolia not available
Alternanthera sessilis Keremak; Matean; Bayem keramah; Keramah
Antidesma venosum not available
Aralia spinosa Hercule'S Club
Baccharis glutinosa Axixtlcotl
Begonia rossmanniae not available
Berberis repens not available
Blumea lacera Lumai hutan; Kayu batu
Bocconia arborea Llorasangre
Bocconia frutescens Yanali; Palo De Toro; Bois De Coq; Yagrumo Macho; Bois Coq D'Inde; Pan Blanco; Higeura Infierno; Bois Codine; Aji Moron; Arbre A Pain; Higuera Del Diablo; Celandine,Tree; Gengibrillo; Llora Sangre; Cocoxihuitl
Boscia octandra not available
Caesalpinia crista Ouary
Capsicum frutescens Piment De Cayenne; Sili Biberi; Chile; Pepper,Red; Filfil Darah