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Plant Part Low PPM High PPM StdDev *Reference
Berberis vulgaris Plant -- -- -- *
Berberis vulgaris Root -- -- -- Jim Duke's personal files.
Berberis vulgaris Bark -- -- -- Jim Duke's personal files.
Berberis vulgaris Stem Bark -- 3600.0 -- Jim Duke's personal files.
Berberis vulgaris Stem -- -- -- Jim Duke's personal files.
Hydrastis canadensis Root -- -- -- *
Mahonia aquifolium Plant -- -- -- *
Mahonia aquifolium Root -- -- -- Kostavolva, D., Brazdovicova, B., Tomko, J. 1981. Isolation of Quaternary Alkaloids from Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. I. Chem Zvesti, 35: 279-283.
Mahonia aquifolium Shoot -- -- -- *
Mahonia aquifolium Bark -- -- -- Slavik, J., Bochorakova, J., Kostalova, D., Hrochova, V. 1985. Alkaloids of Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh) Nutt. II. Chem Pap, 39(4): 537-542.
Mahonia bealei Root -- 5000.0 -- *
Mahonia fargesii Root -- -- -- Liu, M. I., Feng, H. L. 1991. The Alkaloids Content of the Different Parts in Dayecihuangbai (Mahonia fargesii) by HPLC. Chung Ts'ao Yao, 22(7): 308-309.
Mahonia fargesii Stem -- -- -- Liu, M. I., Feng, H. L. 1991. The Alkaloids Content of the Different Parts in Dayecihuangbai (Mahonia fargesii) by HPLC. Chung Ts'ao Yao, 22(7): 308-309.
Mahonia fargesii Bark -- -- -- Liu, M. I., Feng, H. L. 1991. The Alkaloids Content of the Different Parts in Dayecihuangbai (Mahonia fargesii) by HPLC. Chung Ts'ao Yao, 22(7): 308-309.
Mahonia fortunei Leaf -- -- -- Willaman, J. J., Li, H. L. 1970. Alkaloid-Bearing Plants and their Contained Alkaloids, 1957-1968. Lloydia, 33: 1-286.
Mahonia gracilipes Root -- -- -- Lu, G. H., Chen, J. M., Wang, L. W., Xiao, P. G. 1995. Chemical Constituents of Mahonia gracilipes (Oliv.) Fedde. Huaxi Yaoxue Zazhi, 10(4): 202-204.
Mahonia japonica Sprout Seedling -- -- -- Ikuta, A. and Itokawa, H. 1982. Studies on the Alkaloids from Tissue Culture of Nandina domestica. Plant Tissue Cult Proc Int Congr Plant Tissue Cell Cult 5th: 315316.
Mahonia japonica Leaf -- -- -- Willaman, J. J., Li, H. L. 1970. Alkaloid-Bearing Plants and their Contained Alkaloids, 1957-1968. Lloydia, 33: 1-286.
Mahonia philipinensis Root -- -- -- Willaman, J. J., Li, H. L. 1970. Alkaloid-Bearing Plants and their Contained Alkaloids, 1957-1968. Lloydia, 33: 1-286.
Mahonia repens Root -- -- -- *
*Unless otherwise noted all references are to Duke, James A. 1992. Handbook of phytochemical constituents of GRAS herbs and other economic plants. Boca Raton, FL. CRC Press.